Hari ini janji mau nemenin Mirna beli seserahan, emang kudu nyicil dari skrg jd pas mendekati hari H ga langsung keluar banyak duit hehehe Jadilah kita pergi ber-empat : Gue, Inan, Mirna en Dimas. Kebetulan bbrp hari yg lalu gue dapet SMS dari THEBODYSHOP, isinya: dapet diskon 10% dengan nunjukin smsnya, berlaku s/d akhir bulan ini. Jadi gue kasitau aja ke si Mirna, kali aja dia mau beli bodyshop buat seserahan, lumayan kan dapet disc 10%. Ternyata dia mau, ya iyalah sapa yg bakal nolak diskon di saat belanja?huehehe..
Gue siy sbnrnya ada juga yg mau dibeli di BodyShop, gue lagi ngincer masker mata alias EyeMask nya BodyShop, tapi dipikir2 lagi boros gini ga punya duit ah gara2 tagihan credit card mulai membludak neh bulan kmaren huhuhu jadi gue simpen aja dulu deh nafsu blanja gue huhuhu
Hari ini lamarannya Mirna, adek ipar gue. Antara dadakan dan ngga dadakan siy hehe tapi buktinya sukses juga tuh ^__^ Walopun seharian jadi seksi repot dari pagi ampe malem, bahkan dari kemaren sore gue udah dateng bantuin beberes hehehe Sebelumnya gue bergulat di rumah ngehias en ngebungkus buah2an dan box2 lainnya yg nanti akan diisi sama kue2 gitu deh..yah mayan bikin agak sedikit tepar lah itung2 keringetan biar sehat hehehe
Lumayan juga niy daya kreatif tersalurkan ^o^ bbrp bulan lalu gue yg ngehiasin seserahannya mas ayi, skrg ngehiasin seserahannya mirna, ayo sapa lagi yg mo kawin eh nikah tar gue bantuin hiasin box seserahannya hahaha
Hari ini diajakin ke Mayestik, jalan bertiga sama nyokap en mamah mertua. Niatnya siy mau nganterin mamah mertua beli kasur palembang atau semacam kasur lipat gitu krn pas lamarannya si Mirna nanti sodara2 dari Bandung katanya pada mau nginep di rumah Cirendeu. Trus mau sekalian beli box buat balesan seserahan gitu.
Daripada ga ada kerjaan gue siy ngikut aje, lagipula nanti yg tugas ngehias box seserahan kan gue jadi gue pengen milih langsung box nya hehehe
Pulang dari sana malah ngantongin blenjongan pribadi hihi, isinya wadah akar wangi gitu yg rencananya mau gue taro di meja rias buat naro toiletries gue gitu secara meja rias gue kan rada brantakan hehehe Gue beli harganya 20ribu, murah ga tuh? itu udah harga hasil gue nawar siy. Waktu itu siy gue liat di Carrfeour gitu harganya 40ribuan ke atas kl yg segede gitu, yg kecilnya 30 ribuan, pdhal kmaren di mayestik yg kecilnya dapet 15ribuan tuh tp gue ga beli takut meja rias gue tar malah kepenuhan hihihi
Hihihi....udah lama siy ada niatan pengen beli microwave, lumayan buat manas2in makanan soalnya gue paling males kalo disuru manasin makanan ^o^ Gue juga seneng minum kopi yg dipanasin di microwave, rasanya jd enak hehe. Mau nyari yg bisa skalian buat bikin kue juga (kaya bisa aja bikin kue hihi). Kebetulan kmaren dapet yg modelnya cocok di hati, hubby setuju krn dia suka warna silvernya, gue setuju krn gue suka desainnya yg modern, yg tombolnya rata gitu hehehe.
Belinya mah nyicil hihihi abis harganya di atas 1 jeti huhuhu Yah itung2 skalian nyicil beli barang2 rumah tangga dari skrg lah jadi kalo ntar apt.nya udah bisa ditinggalin bisa ngurangin cost beli2 brg kebutuhan lainnya.
Mayan lah udah ada tivi 2 (yg satu dapet dari menang undian di kantor hubby ^__^) buat di ruang kluarga en buat di kamar nonton dvd hohoho, trus udh ada toaster buat roti, dvd n music player, AC, tempat tidur, kursi santai, meja tivi, lemari sepatu, dresser, wastafel, ama keperluan dapur (punya mamah mertua gue banyak yg ga dipake dan masi ditumpuk di lemari, ktnya ntar mau dikasi ke gue aja hehe4), oya ada tempat buat minuman cocktail juga - sapa tau ada acara di rumah gue hihi GR bgt! ^o^ - trus ada 1 set poci teh keramik en cangkirnya gitu (buat high-tea kaya org Inggris mimi teh sore2 hahaha), ada 1 set botol air dan 4 gelas motif sapi (karena gue koleksi sapi2an juga), jam dinding juga udh ada 2 (yg satunya bentuk sapi, bisa goyang2), trus apalagi yah?udah kayanya baru itu doang hahaha
Masi banyak yak yg laen yg blum kebeli. Kalo perangkat kursi-meja gitu mah ntar ajah kalo udh jadi tempatnya jd bisa ngukur2 dulu. Kalo kulkas rencananya sehabis cicilan microwave ini kelar baru nyicil kulkas hihihi pokonya gue skrg jd ibu2 bgt dah! Sibuk nyicil ! hihihi...
I can't believe that finally the book is mine.
I have been wanting this book for so long.
Ever since my hubby introduced me to LUCKY Magazine (which by that time, it hasn't even available in local bookstores yet) I fell in love with the magz!
It was like finding my ultimate ideal magazine!
This is my most FAVORITE MAGAZINE ever!
In the cover it says: The Magazine About Shopping. And it is indeed! Less articles, more pictures of clothes and accessories and beauty tools.
I looove everything about LUCKY !!
As soon as I fell in love with LUCKY, I started to hunt it down everywhere. Usually I could find them in Used Magazines/Book Store like Newsstand. I've searched almost every Newsstand outlets I could find near my area to buy every available issue of Lucky Magz. It was like I'm collecting them. ^o^
Inside one of their pages, I found an advertising about this book that was made by the Editor-In-Chief and the Creative Director of Lucky Magazine.
The book was called: The Lucky Shopping Manual.
When I first saw the Ad I was screaming to myself :"Ooh...I Got to have the Book !!" But "How?" because it was obviously expensive if I ordered it through Aksara, and it would be as pricey if I bought it online (because of the shipping & handling cost, not to mention the delivery time and the custom's process which could take a total of at least a month for the book to be delivered at my door), I couldn't do that, and no one could guarantee that the book will arrive safely in mint condition from the oversea shipping.
That's why I used to only dream and wish when I ever gonna have that book.
This year the book was in it's 7th printing and I still couldn't get my hands on it.
My hubby must be tired of listening to my whining and wishful thinking because every time I open the page where they put the Book's Ad I will automatically whine and annoyingly telling my hubby of how much I wanted that book.
But, I think maybe God hear my whining and all those wishful thinking because towards the end of last year, I heard news that EMIL (my brother-in-law) will be coming home from USA and I thought: "why not I just bought the book online, sent it to his address and ask him to help bring my book to Indo" - it wouldn't take too long and the S&H will be much cheaper because I could send it to Emil's address in USA instead. Therefore I would get local S&H cost instead of international S&H, and I could find the cheapest book's price via internet (whichever sells them cheaper).
So after getting this bright idea (and my hubby thinks it's a GREAT idea that I can finally have the chance to get my dream book) I started to browse ebay and amazon to search for the cheapest price available.
I found the cheapest one in Amazon.com (other than new books they also sell used books-which some of them are cheaper than ebay).
Apparently I end up not just ordering THE LUCKY MANUAL SHOPPING book but also it's 2nd edition: THE LUCKY GUIDE TO MASTERING ANY STYLE. ^__________^
You know what the surprising fact is?
My brother-in-law said he will pay the bill for me as a gift!!
So i'm getting the books for free!!
How lucky is that?!
I am a lucky bastard afterall ^o^
My hubby also bought a comic (or should I say: a graphic novel), titled: Watchmen (which surprisingly, after the books have reached his hands, we heard from TV that hollywood's gonna make the movie of WatchMen, hmm...nice choice Nan! ^^ I should go read it before the movie hit theaters).
So, that's a little of my life-story, starting from wanting and dreaming the book for as long as I could remember, then finally holding the books in my hands... It feels like a dream come true..
Mungkin sedikit berlebihan untuk sebagian orang, but for me it was like "getting-what-I-always-wanted-but-never-thought-that-I-could-get-it" kinda feeling.
It was almost magical...
This is where I blab about daily life & favorite stuffs, including my Travel Stories, Restaurant Reviews, Stationary Thingies, Home Decor Ideas, and all those cute things in between !
Hope you have a great time here !
email me >> yuri.kristi @ gmail.com
Email me for price list & other inquiries.
You're also welcome to email me about anything in this blog :)