
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cerita Minggu Ini

Dear Hubby,
I have a confession to make..

Sehubungan dengan perdebatan sengit sambil kepedesan makan Wing Dome level 5 kemarin, dengan ini saya mengaku bahwa:

1. Ternyata DIKAU BENAR, yang namanya Cajun Food itu adalah makanan perpaduan antara lokal Amerika dengan sentuhan Prancis (bukan paduan Amerika dengan Mexico seperti yang aku bilang) -- *SOTOY #1*

2. Ternyata DIKAU BENAR (lagi!), salah satu contoh Cajun Food adalah Gumbo (jadi Gumbo itu bukan makanan Hawaii seperti yang aku bilang -___-) *SOTOY #2*



Setelah lama menunggu akhirnya kado ulang tahun K yang super telat ini datang juga beberapa minggu lalu: dua buku terakhir Harry Potter untuk melengkapi koleksi buku HarPot kita :D

Jadi K dulu punya angan2 untuk lengkapin koleksi HarPot, tapi maunya yang versi bhs inggris. Berhubung buku hard cover edisi bhs inggris itu mahal jadi beli nya nyicil dah hehe. Untung nemu website The Book Depository yang punya sistem Free Shipping Worldwide (!). Tentunya tante ini tak melewatkan hal tersebut, ditambah sering ada diskon di website nya, jadilah ini website favorit kalo mau beli buku impor!
Setelah dihitung2 harganya lebih murah sedikit dibanding beli di toko buku sini, jadi setelah tahun lalu beliin dua buku Harpot dari The Book Depository, tahun ini ogut beliin lagi dua buku Harry Potter sebagai hadiah ultah nya K untuk lengkapin koleksi. Alhamdulillah akhirnya lengkap juga ni buku (walopun ga semuanya hard cover)... :D

Mudah2an ni koleksi bakal masi bagus kondisinya kalau nanti punya anak cucu, karena ini kan bisa terbilang cerita klasik yang pasti nanti nya akan dicari ;) 
Untung punya suami sama-sama suka baca ^___^


Minggu kemarin jadwal rasanya padat bener:
Selasa: Ke Th*ess, nemenin hubby ngurusin proses pindah.
Rabu: Ke Pasaraya, lanjut Dinner with friends at Pizza e Birra - Grand Indonesia.
Jumat: Regular check-up ke dokter.
Sabtu: Makan siang di Mie Gelagah (Cinere), nungguin hubby di Trans TV, ke PIM (nggak jadi turun karena ga dapet parkir,edan!), dan akhirnya ke Citos janjian sama Mirna, Dimas n Bagas.
Minggu: Nemenin mertua ke BSD, lanjut dinner di Mall Summarecon Serpong (jauh benerrr itu mall).
Senin: Ke Poins, belanja bulanan dan dvd hunting.

Untungnya minggu ini rada lowong jadi lumayan bisa ngejar update blog. Alhamdulillah rejeki mah ada aja ya..
Setelah deg2an tabungan kemarin mulai menipis eh tau2 bisa keisi lagi dari pesangon K, dan kerjaan dari blog juga lumayan banyak minggu ini (paypal ku pun terisi kembali hohoho)..

Ngomongin tentang kerjaan dari blogging, siapa yang nyangka nge-blog bisa jadi kerjaan yang menghasilkan hehe 

Jadi kalo sekarang ditanya kerjaan kamu apa? Jawabnya: "Full-time blogger" hehe 

Dan yang namanya jadi full-time blogger itu nggak segampang yg orang kira loh, banyak waktu dan pikiran yang diperas juga untuk bisa jadi blogger profesional yang baik. Dan yang namanya update blog juga nggak gampang loh, banyak prosesnya, jadi jangan kira cuma nulis ngarang trus jadi hehe 
Blog nya kan juga harus enak dilihat secara keseluruhan biar Advertiser tertarik untuk ngiklan di blog kita, setelah itu harus maintain advertiser juga (networking harus kuat layaknya PR). Belom lagi nulis artikelnya pake sistem deadline layaknya kerja di majalah atau media cetak. Ya ibaratnya ngelola blog itu kaya ngelola media cetak tapi sendirian alias one man show. Bayangkanlah ... hahaha

Anyway, selain dapat gaji dari blogging, saya juga dapat banyak barang gratis (hadiah lomba maupun samples atau goodie bag dari events). Seperti minggu ini, selain dibayar untuk ngeliput saya juga dapet haircut gratis di tempat yang saya liput. Dan minggu depan bakal dapet makan gratis di hotel bintang lima nih kayanya hehe (*Bersyukur)

Kadang suka ada yang nanya "gimana sih caranya?
Pokonya syarat utama nya sih: Harus senang nulis! >>> soalnya kalau nggak punya passion untuk nulis ya susah. 

Biasanya yang sukses itu yang emang nge-blog karena hobi atau yang sudah lama punya blog yang selalu di maintain dengan baik. Bukan yang sengaja bikin blog asal dapet uang tanpa menghiraukan content maupun penampilan blog secara keseluruhan. Yang blog nya isinya cuma bertumpuk2 iklan yang bikin pusing mata sementara isi blog nya sendiri cuma 1/4 bagian, itupun cuma tulisan pendek yang kebanyakan hasil copas sana-sini. Bukannya nge-judge atau apa sih, boleh-boleh aja kalau emang maunya gitu, hanya saja menurut saya advertiser biasanya akan mundur dari blog semacam itu, jadinya kesempatan untuk penghasilan jadi berkurang kan?

Intinya: Nge-blog itu bagi saya adalah Hobi. Nah kebetulan hobi saya ini bisa menghasilkan, gitu loh :)

Kalo ada yang mau nanya2 boleh email saya kok. Tapi saya bukan expert loh ya.. cuma kebetulan udah terjun duluan aja jadi bisa bagi2 ilmu yang udah saya dapat.

Sekian curhat saya minggu ini ^____^


Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Week In Photos

Another short post today, just want to post a few pics so you know where i've been these past few weeks haha..

About two weeks ago I went to my niece's wedding party (yes, niece!). Oh my God I feel so old, my niece is already getting married! Do I look like a grumpy old auntie already?
Me and my cousins wore the same pink top that were custom-made by my neighbor (!), but we each wore them differently ;) -- and Yes, I'm the smallest one in my family ^o^
(Evi, the bride)
Me and one of my cousin Wina (or Kak Ewin as I call her)

And then around last week I went to a dinner meet-up with my old college-friends. We usually meet up every once or two months, and this time we went to Pizza e Birra at Plaza Indonesia.
As usual, we have too much laughs and jokes around until it was closing time for the mall haha
Many of us stays in different cities so these are not the full team ;)
(All college friends pics are courtesy of my friends Martha & Epot)

To see my previous "A Week In Photos" post, click here.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Apt Project: Ideas for Kitchen

This is just a quick post!
This is about kitchen back splash or kitchen back panels. You know, the wall between your counter top and upper counter/storage in your kitchen set? Well, if you still have no idea of what I'm saying you can just see pictures below.. ^o^

So I plan to have small station / kitchen set in my future apt but the design plan is still a big zero (-__-), BUT at least I know what I'm gonna do with my backsplash / back panels: Mozaic!
Hohoho I've been wanting a mozaic back panels ever since I dare dream about having my own kitchen set. It's probabyly outdated by now because there are some pretty new trends in the backsplash / back panels world of kitchen dreams, but I'd still want my mozaic wall haha!

Below are some of the other choices of backsplash:
Wallpaper layered with clear glass
Go-green with Rattan!
Write-able blackboard to write your recipes or shopping list!
Tempered Glass
Tinted Glass
Stainless Steel
Stones with glass insert
I'm not sure what this one is. I think it's probably ceramic tiles with wood patterns.

Which one do you like?

Source: Idea Online, Dulles Glass & Mirror, and various home decor blogs

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Shopping Bag

I can't believe that my last "Purchases & Freebies" post was back in February ! That is because most of my purchases were fashion & beauty items so I put the shopping reports on my fashion blog instead. And the rest of the non-fashion items that I got or purchased were usually just itty-bitty items that I forgot to take pictures of, hence the absent of this regular post on this blog. Sorry for that.

And anyway let's just start again with our recent purchases.
Since the finishing of our new pad is getting nearer and nearer we tend to go to home appliances / furniture stores lately and we bought things that we intend to bring to our new pad later on (nyicil barang bok, tapi baru yang printilan doang, yg gede2 macam dinner table, sofa dll mah nanti aja kalo udah jadi unit nya so udh tau ukuran ruangannya). So far, these are what we got these last couple of months:

  • Cosmos Rice Cooker 3 in 1
A few months ago we decided to buy this rice cooker when we went grocery shopping in a department store, the deeply discounted price attract us. Kalo nggak salah waktu itu harganya jadi cuma seratus ribu lebih dikit, aslinya harganya sekitar IDR 165 ribuan gitu. We bought it because of the price and I thought since there's only the 2 of us so there's no need to buy a bigger one. This one is the smallest one (only 1 Liter), it's a rice cooker, a warmer, and it has Steam feature too. 3 in 1 in this little cheap cooker, why not? Dan merk Cosmos kan bagus juga toh, lumayan terpercaya ;)

Dan ini belanjaan beberapa minggu lalu:
  • Bathroom Mat
I always like a "foot shaped" bath mats like this whenever I see one in Ikea catalog or in any other catalog, so when I saw this cute blue one in Giant Supermarket I was automatically drawn to it. This is actually an impulsive buy, it's more like "I came, I saw, I buy" - LOL.
We were a bit gambling on this purchase because we have no idea how our future bathroom would look like and whether this mat size would fit since our bathroom is gonna be super tiny! All I know is that we plan to have a blue-themed bathroom so since this mat is blue we just bought it and hope that it would match our future bathroom ;)

  • Blue dotted Trashcan and blue/white Toilet Brush
The blue/white toilet brush was of course a necessary buy because we're gonna need a toilet brush anyway, and when we saw this blue/white one we thought it's gonna be perfect for our planned future blue-themed bathroom.
The blue dotted plastic trashcan on the other hand was another impulsive buy. I saw it in the upper rack of the store and fell in love with the pretty blue dot pattern on it. The price was IDR 19.000 - I'm not sure if it's cheap or not for a trashcan but this one is medium size so I guess it's worth it. And it's cute too! We plan to put it in the bathroom or in my future office space ;)

  • Ceramic Dinnerware Mat
This is a ceramic mats that can be used for plates or bowls or dinnerwares, it's function is to protect the table surface from the heat of the hot food in bowl or dinnerware, useful for serving hot food. I bought this in Lotte Mart for a discount price.

  • First Choice 5 in 1 Food Storage Containers
I thought I'm gonna need some food storage containers once I have my own kitchen, this one is on Sale for only IDR 20.000 (or was it IDR 25.000??) at Giant and it comes with 5 different size containers, so I bought it. Sekarang udah kaya emak-emak, belanjanya beginian -__-

  • 2 Porcelain Bowls
These are just ordinary bowls.I bought these 2 identical bowls from Giant Dept Store, it was on sale for IDR 6000 each. I thought I should start collecting some bowls, plates, glasses, etc for my future kitchen. Ini kayanya pas buat makan mi instant hahah

  • 2 Kitchen Towels (cat pattern and polkadot pattern)
We went to Index Furnishings at Fatmawati the other day and found out that some of the items were on sale.
We bought these two cute kitchen towels for IDR 29.900 (two for 29.900), the real price was IDR 59.800 for two!
I dreamed of having a standing cooker/oven in my kitchen so I can cook easy Italian recipes in the oven. And by having a standing cooker means I can also hang a cute kitchen towel in the oven door's handle just like what I imagined. It's pretty much like this:
 See the hanging towel in the oven's door handle? Yeah that's pretty much my imagination ;) and that's why I bought those cute-looking kitchen towels. Even if I didn't get my dream standing cooker/oven in my future kitchen I can still use them as ordinary kitchen towels, right? ;p

  • Appetite's set of 4 Mugs (12oz)
We also bought this set at Index Furnishing at the same time we bought the kitchen towels above. This was also on Sale for IDR 39.900, the real price was IDR 69.900!
We thought we would need some glasses / mugs in our future kitchen, you know, just in case we have guests ;) I Love this mugs! It has a modern look with all black enamels outside and colorful in the inside. It's a medium sized mug too and representable enough for guests (kaya mau banyak tamu aje hahaha).

  • Compact Umbrella
This one has nothing to do with our future apt, this umbrella is reserved for our car :) It's a bit unique because it looked like a wine bottle when it's closed.
I feel the need to have a compact umbrella that can be stored inside the car. We do have a full-sized umbrella that we store at the back trunk, we couldn't store it inside the car because our car is small. So we needed a smaller and compact umbrella that can be stored inside just incase we need it. I saw this unique umbrella in the dept store and it was cheaper from the other umbrellas there so I plead to my husband to buy this for the car (I had to plea because well... it's pink) ;p

  • Dan yang terakhir .. aku beli ini :
Princess / Cinderella Coloring Book!
Pas lagi milih-milih buku coloring book di rak, hubby K dateng trus nanya:
"buat siapa? buat si Cocon (ponakan)? yg ini aja yang gambar princess nya banyak, dia pasti suka".
Lalu daku memandang K dengan wajah pilu: ".. buat aku kok ..."

Hubby K : -______-

Hmm....I guess that's it for now..
I'll try to do more of these posts, sumpah pramuka deh! ;)

To read my previous Freebies & Purchases post Click here. Keep scrolling down below once you got there.

To see my recent purchases on fashion & beauty items, go to my fashion blog "TWO THOUSAND THINGS".

Monday, June 13, 2011

Table Settings Ideas

If you're planning to host dinner with friends and colleagues, or maybe a Spring lunch with neighbors, or maybe even casual brunch with families, here are some table setting ideas that might help you with some inspirations. It's always nice to spruce up your dinner table for different occasions. It's not easy being a hostess but with these simple table settings below I think we all can do it ;)

 Lunch / Brunch :

Dinner :

Those table setting ideas are not difficult to try, right? A simple and not-too-extravagant settings for families and friends paired with good food would make up great conversations among the guests. You don't need to have really fancy dinner set, just use your own and get creative with the decorations. The most simple white dinner set would also do great if paired with a nice looking glass set with bright colored napkins. You could add flowers, bright colored napkins and mats, or look around your house for some decor items that can be used as unique centerpiece on your dinner table. Or you could also add some DIYs as part of the table decorations.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cerita Minggu Ini

*UPDATED: Lupa cerita soal celana panjang The Executives (Scroll down).

Ini fotoku bersama ponakan ku si Gabaz eh si Bagas hehehe ... Lucu banget dia sekarang udah bisa merangkak, cepet banget pula kaya kepiting, trus nggak bisa diem, ga betahan, bosenan, dan suka dadah-dadah. Ntar kalo udah gede anterin Auntie arisan yah Bagas hihihiiii ;p

3 Minggu terakhir ini banyak surprises, good maupun bad hehe .. Nggak bad sih sebenernya tapi more like not-so-good-news aja. Good news nya akhirnya utang kartu kredit lunasssh hahaha! Lumayan lega, tinggal utang cicilan mobil sama rumah (meringis). Bad news nya: ada deh.. hihihiii Kata orang pamali kalo bad news dikasitau hehe

Kita bersyukur banget masih bisa dapet rejeki untuk lunasin utang, dan sisanya ditabung buat nyicil peralatan rumah tangga (mimisan mikirin dari sekarang huhu). Alhamdulillah ..

So anyway, Pas kapan itu kita lagi di mobil on the way home dari mana gitu (lupa) trus terjebak macet di Lebak Bulus. Akhirnya untuk menghibur diri kita sibuk sendiri nyanyi2 lagu kemerdekaan jaman SD trus nebak judul lagunya. Dari lagu Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa, Padamu Negri, sampe Hymne Guru.
Pas giliran eyke jawab, K ngasi pertanyaan: "Coba lagu Garuda Pancasila".

Me: "Yaahh, gancil itu mah. 
Garuda Pancasila.. 
Akulah Pendukungmu.. 



ulang lagi yah.. 
Garuda Pancasila, Aku lah pendukungmu... 


... huahaha apaan sih lanjutannya?aku lupa.."

K: "Hahhahhhaaaahaa.."
Me: "Paraaahh banget akuuu"

NOTE: Ternyata K hafal dong lagu Garuda Pancasila dari awal sampe akhir (-__-)

Pernah juga lagi jalan-jalan ke Gandaria City, niatnya mau cari tas kerja buat K (yang ternyata tas kerja cowo tuh mehong ye boo .. gilee.. ). So anyway pas lagi browsing toko-toko eh liat ada keramaian di The Executives, so secara kita berdua orangnya kepo alias pengen tau ajah, akhirnya pergilah kita menengok. Ternyata lagi ada Sale 50% Off! 
Mata langsung kedap-kedip begitu liat tanda Sale 50%.

Masuk ke dalem toko, langsung menuju rak Sale bertanda 50%. Isinya kemeja cowo semua. Langsung menyikut suami supaya segera pilih mumpung diskon. Pas lagi ngubek rak eh K nemu trousers alias celana panjang ngantor. Waah lumayan nih kalo celana diskon 50%. Langsung lah membabi buta ngubek celana nyari ukuran takut keabisan. Tapi udah ngubek di rak kok kemeja mulu isinya, mana celananya? Eh ternyata K nemu tumpukan celana tepat di bawah rak Sale tersebut. Langsung serbuuu cari ukuran dan warna yang pas. Abis itu masuk ruang ganti untuk test drive. Setelahh Oke langsung menuju kasir yang udah penuh antrian panjang.

Pas antrian udah jalan setengah, kita denger kasak-kusuk bahwa mesin EDC kasir lagi ada gangguan jadinya nggak bisa bayar pake kartu, harus cash. Walaaah, mana nggak bawa cash pula. Tapi kalo nggak jadi beli kan sayang itu celana The Executives diskon 50% ditinggalin gitu aja. Akhirnya memutuskan untuk bagi tugas. Aku mengantri sementara K lari ke ATM. Yak, pas K dateng antrian tinggal sedikit lagi, pass ^__^

Giliran kami tiba!
Kasir: "Sebelumnya maaf pak, mau ngasitau untuk sementara cuma bisa cash"
K: "Iya, no problem mbak." (bangga)
Kasir: "Baik. Ini aja pak?" (sambil men-scan celana nya)
K: "Iya mbak" (siap2 buka dompet)
Kasir: "Oke, ini celana nya dapet diskon 20% ya pak"
Kasir: "20% Pak"
Me & K: -____- (mesem)

Ya udah lah yaa.. mo gimana lagi? Masak ga jadi? Udah bela2in lari2 ke ATM, trus di sebelah kita juga lagi ada yg transaksi di kasir sebelah, kalo nggak jadi beli ntar tengsiinnn. Untungnya tuh duit yg td ngambil di ATM cukupp, ngepasss beneerrr. Coba kalo enggak, GUBRAK!
Ternyata, yg diskon 50% tuh emang cuma kemejanya doang sementara trousers diskon 20%. Pantesan tadi di rak 50% cuman ada kemeja. Sapa sih tuh yang asal naro celana panjang di rak Sale 50%, kita kan jadi ketipu huuuuuu...

Cerita lainnya: malem-malem pas K lagi ngantor (dapet tugas shift malem - nginep di kantor), kita sms-an seperti biasa. Trus pas di akhir sms kan ceritanya lagi pamitan mau tidur duluan. Eh tiba2 daku dapet sms balesan dari chubbyhubby alias my husband K, tapi kok ginih:
Hahaha ... sapa tuh mbak-mbak nan semok aduhay ituh? 
Kata si husband bukan dia yg kirim, yang bagian "u tomorrow love you" itu juga bukan dia yg kirim. Setelah dianalisis dan dikira2 sepertinya semacam iklan sms / mms gitu deh. Hahaha bikin kaget aja nih si mbak malem2. Kirain sopo toh ...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Yuri's List of Top 10 World's Best Resorts With Wildlife Views

Welcome to my blog series of Top 10 World's Best !
My 3rd list of the Top 10 World's Best series is about the best resorts or lodge or camps or hotels that has the most stunning wildlife views that you can see without having to leave your room. So if you can see animals roaming freely and up close from your hotel bedroom window, that's what I call Best ;)

Starting from #10, Here we go ...

The Eagle Island Camp is a water-based thatched and tented camp that stood on a raised wooden deck, situated in the Central Delta. Each camp has a spacious viewing deck and outdoor lounge with views over the lagoon. Other than the occasional elephant and swamp river wildlife sightings, birds and other animal life in this region is also prolific.
Imagine you woke up in the morning, went out to your terrace to embrace the sun, and then you saw that!

 Other parts of the camp:

9. Mara River Safari Lodge, Bali - Indonesia:
This is an African-themed resort with Bali sacred Mount Agung looming in the distance as the beautiful backdrop. Here you can embrace the rare tranquility of this retreat as rhinos, zebras and oryx graze contentedly at close range, right outside your window terrace! You can also watch animals passed by while you enjoy your dip in the lodge's pool underneath the tropical sun, or take an elephant ride through the stream off your lodge, or dine in with special views of the lions!
Wildlife right outside your balconies!

Other parts of the lodge:
the restaurant where we can eat while watching the lions roam from the glass window.

This one is located in the Disney's Animal Kingdom theme park area. Another Disney's magical place, the Animal Kingdom Lodge offers the unique opportunity to observe exotic animals from special alcoves with glass windows throughout the Resort. You can also see the animals roaming freely right outside your balcony if you chose the Savanna view rooms. Now that would be an experience one cannot forget.
Afternoon reads in the balcony with flocks of giraffes passes by = Priceless!

 Other parts of the lodge:

Apoka is in the heart of Kidepo Valley National Park which is Uganda's most remote park, far away from city life. This is the place with a "real Africa" feel to it. A stunning view that you can see from your bedroom window includes a landscape dotted with giraffe, elephant, buffalo, and zebra. The lodge / bedroom are built of wood, thatch and canvas with stunning outdoor stone bathtubs. 
Abundant savannah animals right outside your lodge!

Other parts of the lodge:
Photos of Apoka Lodge, Kidepo Valley National Park

The Xakanaxa Camp is the only safari camp which can provide guests with an authentic year round Okavango Delta land and water safari experience. All buildings here are set on raised platforms to ensure fantastic views over the surrounding lagoons and islands on the Khwai River bed. If you want something else other than the forest with water hole or vast plains view, then maybe you'd consider a swamp atmosphere / river bed views. Especially if you can spot a fat hippo bathing in the sun right outside your bedroom!
You see the little hippo statuette in your deck but then you see the real thing right in front of you right there right then!
And a little crocodile to see up close ;)
Other parts of the camp:

5. Sarova Salt Lick Game Lodge, Tsavo - Kenya:
Located in the heart of the private Taita Hills sanctuary, the lodge has 96 rooms which elevated on stilts, each overlooking a waterhole and linked by suspended walkways. At night, the waterholes are floodlit to ensure an uninterrupted view of the numerous animals arriving to quench their thirst which you can see from your lodge's window or from the restaurant as animals came closing by.
The water hole near the lodge is a guarantee that you'll see lots of animals quenching their thirst there, they even built a water ditch beneath the restaurant building's stilts so you can see elephants up close!

Other parts of the lodge:

4. Elephant Safari Park Lodge, Bali - Indonesia:
It is currently the most unique resort on the island of Bali, located within the area of awards winning Elephant Safari Park, Taro. Other than enjoying the tropical atmosphere of Bali's streets and beaches, you can also enjoy your time being inside your lodge all day. You can interact, feed, ride, observe, learn, play and stay with 29 beautiful Sumatran elephants right on your lodge! Choose the park view room as those rooms have balconies that faces the elephant park where they roam freely everyday right underneath your noses ;)
This is the view from one of the bedroom's balcony. (photo c/o trip advisor)

Other parts of the lodge:
You can also see the elephants in the park from the pool area.
Or from the spa!
If you want to go anywhere in this lodge just call the elephant taxi!

Built in the 1930s and modeled on a Scottish hunting lodge, this luxury boutique hotel has maintained all the charm of the era and is now famous for its resident herd of Rothschild Giraffes. Here you will have a close view of them at the front door and even from your bedroom window! And the most unique experience is when they join you for breakfast by entering their heads into the enormous flung-open window at the sun room where breakfast is served.
Look at those giraffes peeking their heads into the windows. You can see their cute face up-close and personal from your bedroom window!

Other parts of the manor:
Breakfast time!

There are only 8 suites in this lodge, each of them lies hidden in the lush forest offering spectacular views over the tranquil Marico River. The glass walled bedroom lodge allows uninterrupted views of the river and the surrounding bush. Each of them also has open-fronted lounge with private sundeck to lounge around in. Elephants has been spotted here and there near the lodges. There is also a well-equipped gym and spa, and a heated secluded swimming pool in this safari lodge.
an elephant so close you'll appreciate her majestic beauty.

Other parts of the lodge:

1. The Atlantis, Dubai:
With a giant aquarium housing 65,000 sea creatures, a water park, a designer-brand-only shopping mall, nightclubs, and four big-name-chef restaurants, The Atlantis Dubai is probably one of the most expensive among the high-class luxury hotels. Here you won't have any safari animals, but instead .. you will get the most amazing view you could ever imagine you'd have on your hotel window: The deep sea life! Yes, the most expensive and incredible room is the Poseidon or the Lost Chamber suite with views of the inside of the lagoon on your window.

Other parts of the hotel:
One of the water park attraction within the hotel, a stream pool where you could float inside a sharks-filled pool.

Sooo? What do you think of my list of Top 10 World's Best Resorts With Wildlife Views? This is based on my personal reference of course, and everyone entitled to a different opinion ;)

There is also a hotel within a zoo on Jatim Park 2, Malang - Indonesia. You can read about my review here, I stayed in a room with a spacious balcony that looks straight into a leopard cage right beneath it! The view from my balcony also include the rest of the zoo, it really is a pleasant experience, waking up in the morning with the sounds of the jungle animals around you. It feels like I'm in a forest myself. I didn't include it in this list because the animals were caged (because it is a zoo anyway), therefore it didn't get in to the list ;)

I enjoyed making this kind of list, I also enjoyed making list about hotels or places to visit, anything that relates to travel, of course.. because it's fun browsing about it all, and daydreaming about it all afterwards -LOL.
So anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and if you want to read my previous Top 10 list, click here.. and just scroll down below once you're there.

See you in my next Top 10 series!

Sources: the resorts/lodge/hotels own websites which links I put on each list's number above, Luxury travel magazine, Concierge, Grantourismo (elephant on Sarova salt lick photo), Wayfaring, and random travel blogs & websites.