
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Event: Arisan! 2 Gala Premiere

Minggu lalu tepatnya tanggal 25 November saya kebetulan dapat kesempatan untuk nonton Gala Premiere nya film Arisan 2 ! di XXI Plaza Senayan. Gala Premiere ini maksudnya adalah pertama kalinya film ini diputar sebelum promo premiere di tempat-tempat lain dan jauh sebelum film nya resmi turun di bioskop. Jadi semacam invitation-only gitu, beruntung banget ya saya hehe jadi kemarin itu saya nonton bareng artis-artis hihihi Filmnya sendiri baru akan tayang untuk umum per tgl 1 Desember besok.

Di Gala Premiere ini ada 5 theater yang diisi penuh sama undangan yang hadir. Yang punya film alias Nia Dinata memberi sambutan singkat sekaligus ngenalin cast dan orang-orang di belakang layar yang turut andil dalam Arisan 2 ini sesaat sebelum filmnya mulai (sayangnya saya gak sempet foto).

Di film sekuel Arisan garapan Nia Dinata ini semua pemeran utama nya masih sama dengan Arisan edisi pertama. Masih ada Cut Mini yang berperan sebagai Meimei, masih ada Surya Saputra dan Tora Sudiro (Nino dan Sakti), juga masih ada Aida Nurmala (Andien) dan Rachel Maryam (Lita). 

Bagi yang belum pernah nonton film Arisan edisi yang pertama, mending nonton deh (Loh?!) hehe Maksudnya film Arisan yang pertama aja udah lucu dan bagus banget, apalagi ini sekuelnya. Kalau di Arisan 1 lebih banyak komedi nya nah di sekuelnya ini selain komedi juga dapat feel seriusnya. Ini film emang makna nya dalem bok, cerminan kehidupan sosialita ibukota ^o^

Anyway, buat yang belum tahu, di film Arisan ini mengetengahkan cerita kehidupan 5 teman (Meimei, Nino, Sakti, Andien, dan Lita) yang masing-masing punya latar belakang berbeda. Meimei punya sobat-sobat se-gank dari SMA yaitu Nino dan Andien. Meimei juga punya sobat sekaligus rekan kerja yaitu Sakti di perusahaan interior/arsitektur yang mereka kelola bersama. Nah si Lita itu adalah adiknya si Sakti. 
Jadi pada akhirnya mereka berlima berteman dan bikin gank baru ;)

Di Arisan 1 seperti yang mungkin udah pada tau, Nino dan Sakti pacaran as gay couple (adegan ciuman tersohor antara Tora sama Surya Saputra itu lohh ;p). Setelah 8 tahun berlalu maka dimulailah cerita Arisan 2 ini. Di sekuel ini Nino sama Sakti udah not together anymore. Si Nino punya pacar baru yang masih ABG (diperankan Rio Dewanto), sementara si Sakti malah jadi simpanan selingkuhan mas Gerry yang tajir (Pong Hardjatmo). Si Lita udah jadi calon legislatif yang punya anak tanpa kawin (karena nggak mau kawin), si Andien udah menjanda karena suaminya meninggal, dan si Meimei lagi menyepi ke Lombok setelah perceraiannya.

Mau intip trailernya?

Cerita berpusat di sekitar Meimei yang lagi menyepi di suatu pulau kecil di Lombok (kayanya Gili Trawangan atau Gili Air atau salah satu dari Gili-gili itu lah yang di sekitaran Lombok hehe). Di pulau ini Meimei menghabiskan waktunya dengan Talu (Keiko Marwan) anaknya Lita yang ia bawa serta, juga dengan Tom (Edward Gunawan), seorang terapis. Cerita bermulai ketika Sakti membaca surat-surat tagihan Meimei yang datang ke kantor. Ada apakah di surat-surat tersebut? hehe I'm not gonna tell you all the details, because you have to watch it yourself. Ntar ga seru kalo udah saya bocorin disini ceritanya ^o^

So anyway, sementara Meimei asik menikmati hidup di pulau, kehidupan teman2nya di ibukota tidak berubah. Andien masih sibuk dengan gank sosialita nya. Beberapa teman sosialita Andien diperankan oleh Sarah Sechan (sebagai Dokter Joy), Atiqah Hasiholan (sebagai Ara), juga ada cameo dari Shanty, Titi DJ, dll. Lucu lho merhatiin kehidupan para ibu ibu sosialita itu, penuh intrik dan muslihat hihihi..

Andien (my favorite character, saya fans Aida Nurmala ;p) dan Sakti
Andien dan Meimei
Overall, film Arisan 2 ini bagus dan layak tonton banget! Apalagi kalo kamu dulu sempet nonton Arisan 1. Nia Dinata emang pinter bikin film yang alurnya gak ngebosenin, lucu bikin ketawa tapi sekaligus punya makna tersembunyi yang dalam. Pada akhir film kita dibawa untuk merenung tentang hidup, so it's not about all the laughs in the movie, it's about something greater than that :)

Selain kalimat-kalimat si Lita yang ceplas ceplos dan bikin ngakak, acting semua cast di film ini patut diacungi jempol. Karakter-karakter baru di sekuel ini juga nggak kalah keren. Yang paling menonjol buat saya diantara para karakter baru ini adalah karakternya Octa, si pacar ABG nya Nino yang diperankan oleh Rio Dewanto. Itu ya si Rio keren banget actingnya, udah persis banget sama ABG jaman sekarang, dari mulai "foto dulu ya, nanti aku masukin twitter", sampe gaya ngambek ala ABG nya tuh khas banget deh, kayanya dia bener2 riset banget tuh untuk perannya, Two Thumbs Up!

Octa dan Nino
Andien dan Lita
Satu lagi adalah karakter si Tom, sang terapis yang diperankan oleh Edward Gunawan. Saya sejujurnya baru denger nama Edward Gunawan, tapi pas browsing ternyata dia international actor and model loh, pernah ngisi iklan McD versi US segala. Yang pasti si Tom ini kharisma nya kuat banget, kayanya cewe-cewe agak-agak kesengsem deh sama kharismanya hehe buktinya pas film usai, Cut Mini sibuk ngenalin temen-temen cewenya ke si Tom ini hehehe Two Thumbs Up for Tom eh Edward!

Sama satu lagi, Adinia Wirasti ! Keren banget mainnya, ini juga bukti doi riset serius terhadap peran kecilnya. Tapi emang saya selalu suka sih sama actingnya Adinia Wirasti, tiap main film nggak pernah nggak keren hehe Nah kalau Pong Hardjatmo sebagai mas Gerry sih jangan ditanya deh, keliatan kalau beliau memang aktor senior yang penuh pengalaman :)

Jadi gimana? Udah penasaran belom? ^o^
Kalau penasaran dan mau nonton Arisan! 2 mulai besok tgl 1 Desember film ini akan tayang di bioskop kesayanganmu. Jangan lupa beli popcornnya, pake butter ;)

Dan mungkin karena ini Gala Premiere jadinya goodie bag nya banyak bangettt... Udah gitu kan ogut dapet undangannya yang berlaku untuk 2 orang jadi hubby K ikutan juga dan itu berarti goodie bags nya dapet dua hehehehe ^o^ (tapi kita nggak rakus kok, sebagian ada yg dibagi-bagi ;p)

For more details of what I got from the goodie bags, click here and scroll down once you're there.

Big thanks to Dulux Indonesia for the free ticket!

Arisan 2 photos and videos are courtesy of Erik N.Juragan and Arisan 2 website

Monday, November 28, 2011

Restaurant Review: Nanny's Pavillion (Bathroom)

Last week after one of the Jakarta fashion week show hubby picked me up and we had dinner at our favorite restaurant in Pacific Place called Nanny's Pavilion. I actually have mentioned about this restaurant on my fashion blog (we went there too after fashion week last year). The restaurant is famous for it's quirky design. They have a few restaurant branches and each branch has different theme to it, this particular one at Pacific Place Mall has "a bathroom" design.

We love this restaurant because they have a wide range of options on their menu, from their famous pancakes and waffles, to pasta, steak, baked rice, and sandwiches. We also love the fact that their price is pretty friendly for our pocket (we usually spent around IDR 120.000 - 150.000 for 2 main course + 2 drinks). And we have tried several of their different meals and we Love all of them! It seems that every time we ate there, all the food and drinks in their menu never disappoints. The taste is great, the portion is also great, fit for a satisfying meal :) So here is what we ordered :

I ordered Chicken Provence Sandwich (IDR 34.000)
I decided to try one of their sandwiches because it sounds great in the menu. I chose the chicken provence which comes with french fries as sidedish. The sandwich is stuffed with grilled chicken, melted cheese, and pesto sauce. The slightly grilled bread has a soft texture in the middle and a bit crunchy in the crust.
I personally think that this is quite a good sandwich, but maybe more suitable for breakfast, brunch or a light meal. I don't really recommend it for dinner because well ... it is a light meal anyway, so it's kinda so-so compared to the other menu, I just simply ordered the wrong menu for my dinner that day ;p 

K ordered Kimberly Green Spaghetti (IDR 39.000)
You can choose your pasta with this menu. K ordered spaghetti but you can always try it with other pasta such as Fettuccine. This yummy spaghetti comes with huge spiced sausages and served with pesto sauce. Love the sauce, it's heavily spiced but not too oily for my taste. The spaghetti itself is very al-dente, it's just perfect. We both love Nanny's pasta, all of their pastas are so yummy you can't go wrong with it.

We also order Arlene Stuffed Mushroom to eat together as Appetizer (IDR 32.000)
We LOVE this! Well to start it, we both are mushroom lovers so anything with baked mushroom (especially served with creamy sauce!!) are to our mouth. Nuff said! - And this one comes with meatballs too inside the scooped-out mushroom (although we think the meatballs were a bit overcooked).

Then for Dessert I ordered Black Crunchy Caramel Waffle (I was really hungry ;p) - (IDR 29.000)
You can choose between waffle or pancake for this one, but I went with waffle because I simply prefer waffle than pancake when it's served with ice cream ;) The warm waffle is topped with frozen vanilla ice cream to create that "hot and cold experience". The crunchy crushed oreo and caramel syrup just add more oomph to this sweet delish :)

And for the drinks, I ordered Apricot Lemonade (IDR 19.000) and K ordered Blueberry Lemonade (IDR 20.000)
 The left one is the Apricot Lemonade and the right one is the Blueberry Lemonade.
I chose the Apricot one because apricot is not a common fruit here in Indonesia and I was in the mood for something exotic and  "new" so I ordered it and thought it taste as great as it looks. I do still prefer the Blueberry one though because it is more sweeter and has a familiar taste in my mouth.

Nanny’s Pavillon Bathroom
Pacific Place Unit 4/50-51
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.52-53 , Sudirman, Jakarta Pusat

Friday, November 25, 2011

My Shopping Bag

Wow i just realized that I haven't been posting about "My Shopping Bag" post series for so long now, my last post was on June 19 (whoopss!). So I guess I'm gonna be posting an update for this series. Here we go... my recent freebies and purchases:

Let's start from the Freebies:

As you may have already read on this blog several posts back, I received a huge package from Snowbay Watertainment (click here to read the post).  I received: a Snowbay Hurricane VIP Card (with lots and lots of advantages and discounts including Free Entry & Free VIP Cabana, etc), a very thick small notebook, Snowbay F&B Discount Voucher, a super cute Polar Bear hat (!!), and some other Discount Vouchers for various merchants such as La Porchetta, Cuppa Coffee, Rice Bowl, etc.

And as you may have already read too, I went to media gathering at Fimela House (click to read the post) the other day and received a Fimela fuchsia notebook, a book titled "25 kata-kata motivasi yang memberi semangat dan mencerahkan hati", and a fuchsia tupperware glass container. I finally have my very first self-owned tupperware hahahah!

I also have another new notebook from Sarinah as a goodie bag from watching their fashion show at Jakarta Fashion Week 2012 (read the post on my fashion blog here). This notebook is thick and have a pretty Loro Blonyo statuettes picture on the front, and on the first pages there's a brief history on Sarinah Department store which is the first modern store ever built in Indonesia (built by Indonesia's first president: Ir.Soekarno). Did you know that President Soekarno got the name "Sarinah" from his childhood nanny's name: Mbok Sarinah. Yeah, I just knew that from reading the excerpt on the free notebook above. Quite interesting story ;)

Just last Thursday, I got invitation to attend the Gala Premiere of Arisan 2 movie at the XXI Plaza Senayan. I've never been to a Gala Premiere before so it was a new experience for me :) Many celebrities came, and the movie was played very late ("fashionably late", as always..), lots of goodie bags, and there were 5 theaters who played the movie at the same time. And the director gave a little speech and introduce all the actors and actresses as well as the music director, etc before the movie begins. I'll tell you all about the movie and the Gala Premiere on the next post, meanwhile as you can see above, I received quite a lot of freebies from all of those goodie bags being given that night. Here are the details:

 A tumbler, a name tag holder, a red Arisan tote bag, a Dulux mousepad, FitFlop voucher worth IDR 250.000 and Paris Hilton Bags voucher worth IDR 300.000

LUX beauty shower pouch in Magic Spell, Esquire magazine, Good Housekeeping magazine, and a bottle of a new premium line from Aqua which is Aqua Reflection.
I love the bottle of this Aqua Reflection. It's designed by Sebastian Gunawan (a famous Indonesian designer), so no wonder the bottle is gorgeous, I can't put myself to open the bottle and drink it because it looks so pretty (LOL).

And since the invitation was for two people so I asked my husband to join me, and therefore we have all those freebies above >> TIMES TWO! ^__^

And the most surprising freebie ever:
Hubby K won this washing machine from his office's door prize!
(above picture is from other source, not mine - sorry i forgot the link of the pic source)
Hubby K won this Electrolux Washing Machine in a door prize at his office's outing session in Waterbom Cikarang. How lucky is he?! And how lucky are we?!

Tepat sebelum undian doorprize diumumin, K telfon trus blg "yang, doain ya, kali aja kita menang iPad 2 atau laptop baru". 
Lalu istrinya yang sok bijak berkata "Berdoa nya gini: semoga menang barang yang kita butuhkan".
Eh lalu keluarlah si mesin cuci ituh!
Emang bener berarti saat ini yg kita butuhkan bukan iPad 2 atau laptop baru, kita lebih butuh mesin cuci buat ntar persiapan pindahan! ^__^ ALLAH memang maha bijaksana dan maha mengetahui, sekaligus Maha pemurah. Alhamdulillahirabbil Alamiin.... Terima Kasih Ya Allah atas rizkimu :)

 Pink giant mug from Waterbom :)
Dan karena pas saatnya pulang dari outing hubby masih punya sisa rupiah di deposit nya (masuk Waterbom memang pake sistem deposit jadi kalo beli makan minum dll cukup pake kartu deposit), akhirnya dia nukerin sisa depositnya sama 3 bulpen lucu dan 1 mug pink besar ini  ^__^ (bolpen nya udah dibagi-bagi). Sama satu lagi, dapet kipas merah cantik yang dibagiin dari kantornya, tapi ogut lupa foto euy buat dimasukin sini ;p

 And now, the Purchases:

 Hairdressing Scissors Set - $3.49 (around IDR 35.000).
Since I received my CreaClip for review purposes a few months ago I've been on the search for a good hair scissor to trim my hair properly. I've been using my regular scissor but it's not sharp enough so I only use it for trimming my bangs which doesn't need a lot of effort. But when I'm thinking of trimming my whole hair by myself using the CreaClip I thought I needed a good sharp hair scissor. I've tried to find it online locally but they were all expensive (IDR 40.000 to IDR 50.000 for one scissor). So when I found this set of two scissors only for around IDR 35.000 on eBay, I rushed and bought it, and so far I'm really satisfied with them! Mission accomplished :)

Lingerie Wash Bag - $1.37 (around IDR 10.000).
I also bought this on eBay. I have been looking for this kind of lingerie wash bag that I can use to wash all my delicates in my washing machine. With this mesh bag I hope all my bras would have longer wear time and won't be ruined easily like before. And with this simple mesh bag I can also wash my delicate underwear in my washing machine, and it has been making my daily routine much more easier now because I don't have to wash them by hands anymore ;)

And for our future Apt project I bought:
Marks & Spencer Moisture Rich Hand Wash in China Blue - IDR 59.000. 
I was surprised to see the price of Marks & Spencer's body care range when I browse through their store one afternoon at Grand Indonesia, I thought they were expensive like more than IDR 100.000 each. But it turns out that their price are actually mostly under IDR 100.000 ! Since I didn't bring much cash left since I already spent it for my lunch and taxi that day, so I only bought this hand wash, thinking of putting it in our basin in the future bathroom so our guests can use it. I chose the "China Blue" because we planned our future bathroom to have a blue theme, and because this one smells great and not too "florals" which hubby K would think too girly ;P


Two kitchen plates @IDR 19.900 - bought at Carrefour.
I love the vibrant colors of these plates. These are made of melamine but they have food grade certificate and formalin-free, and can be used in microwave too. Rencananya mau buat piring lauk nanti hehe The turquoise oval one has a matching green shade color as the square plate, I think it would look lovely if put together in the same table ;) >> Ngayal mode: On.

To read my previous Freebies & Purchases post Click here. Keep scrolling down below once you got there.
To see my recent purchases on fashion & beauty items, go to my fashion blog "TWO THOUSAND THINGS".

Ciao, Bella!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Re-Post: media gathering at Fimela House

I originally posted this in my fashion blog: Two Thousand Things, but I thought I'd post it here too so everyone can read it and join the fun :)

Minggu lalu saya diundang untuk datang ke acara media gathering nya yang membahas tentang:  

Road to Fimelafest: 1st year anniversary 
kampanye Read2Share: Spreading Good Things Through Reading. bagi yang belum tahu, adalah portal khusus perempuan Indonesia modern (semacam majalah online khusus wanita lah). Kalau kamu belum pernah kunjungi website nya, coba deh kunjungi setelah baca ini, karena banyak banget yang bisa didapat disitu, isinya lengkap dan artikel-artikelnya menarik. berusia satu tahun November 2011 ini (HAPY BIRTHDAY FIMELA.COM!). Dan pada bulan Agustus kemarin walaupun belum genap setahun tapi Fimela telah berhasil memenangkan penghargaan BUBU Award untuk kategori News & Lifestyle Portal. Bubu Award itu penghargaan bergengsi lohh. Menang Bubu Award itu seperti menang Oscar untuk website hehe ^o^

Anyway, untuk perayaan ulang tahun nya yang pertama ini akan menggelar yang namanya FIMELAFest tanggal 25 - 27 November nanti (Catet tanggalnya). Acara nya akan diselenggarakan di Grand Indonesia, tepatnya di Level One, East Mall. Sepanjang 3 hari festival tersebut akan ada berbagai aktivitas yang terbuka untuk umum, diantaranya: kelas workshop tentang fashion, karir, parenting, dll, trus juga akan ada talk show, fashion show, competition, Indoor flea market (wajib kunjung nih), dan lainnya. Sepertinya bakal seru ya, kesana yuk nanti :)

Oiya, jadi lupa mau cerita soal media gathering nya. Di media gathering kali ini saya berkesempatan menghadiri talk show tentang "Perempuan: Lifestyle & Peran Utama Kemajuan", dengan pembicara yang semuanya hebat-hebat dan patut diacungi jempol :

1. Dra. Sally Astuty Wardhani (Asisten Deputi Gender Dalam Pendidikan dari Kementrian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak).
2. Dra. Okky Asokawaty (Anggota Komisi IX DPR RI)
3. Shahnaz Haque (Tupperware Brand Ambassador, She Can)
4. Dessy Sekar Chamdi (Ketua Yayasan Literasi Indonesia - Indonesia Membaca)
5. Becky Tumewu (Communicator, founder Talk-Inc)

Selain itu juga ada sedikit masukan dan diskusi dari Ollie, blogger berpengalaman ( yang juga entrepreneur muda (penggagas dan pemilik,, dll). Juga ada sambutan ringan dari ibu Dian M.Muljadi  (Publishing Director yang as always, selalu tampil cantik dan stylish lho si ibu satu ini :)

Seru banget menyimak talk show dari perempuan-perempuan panutan ini, sayangnya waktu itu batre handphone udah sekarat jadinya nggak bisa banyak live tweet deh huhu Tapi yang pasti, banyak banget yang bisa diambil dari talk show kali ini yang membahas berbagai hal terkait kemajuan wanita, mulai dari masalah ketimpangan gender yang masih banyak terjadi di Indonesia terutama di daerah, sampai fakta meningkatnya banyak kaum perempuan yang mandiri secara finansial yang membuktikan adanya perubahan lifestyle perempuan pada umumnya. 

Selain membahas tentang keberdayaan dan kemajuan gaya hidup perempuan Indonesia masa kini, para narasumber juga membahas tentang kampanye Read2Share, yaitu kampanye giat membaca yang diprakarsai oleh 

Membaca itu penting !

Itu tag line nya. Dan saya setuju! Membaca adalah kegiatan yang banyak sekali manfaatnya, dengan membaca akan terbuka banyak pintu menuju pengetahuan, kemajuan, kesuksesan, dan kesejahteraan. Dan nanti di FIMELAFEST yang akan datang, Read2Share ini akan menjadi tajuk gerakan sosial dari festival tiga hari tersebut yang bermisi Women Empowerment & Lifestyle Experience.

Kampanye Read2Share ini dijalankan melalui social media movement dan public service announcement video yang melibatkan banyak figur publik. Kalau kamu mau ikutan berpartisipasi, kalian bisa follow twitter nya Fimela:

dengan hashtag #READ2SHARE dan #kepergokmembaca

Dan kalau mau berbelanja sambil menyumbang, ada yang namanya Fuchsia Merchandise, dimana beberapa brand fashion dan restoran seperti Cotton Ink, The Little Things She Needs, (X).S.M.L, Ponds, Bakerzin, dll ikut berpartisipasi. Sejumlah presentase dari hasil penjualan fuchsia merchandise tersebut akan disumbangkan kepada Yayasan Literasi Indonesia. 

Untuk info lebih lanjut tentang:

 Huu...maaf gambarnya blurry blurry ginih (yang motret agak kurang fokus nih sepertinya, mungkin waktu itu lagi gak konsen karena mikirin laptop hihihi)

Bertemu dua blogger handal : Ninit of Istri Bawel and Carnelin of While You On Earth (thanks for the pic, Carnelin!)

And the freebies:

To see other events that I attended previously, click here and just keep scrolling down below once you're there.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Surga Buku

Buat para pecinta buku, pasti sering mimpi tentang buku-buku deh, atau paling nggak mimpi tentang cerita atau karakter dalam suatu buku, seperti saya pernah mimpi jadi Hermione Granger, trus mimpi jadi salah satu murid di Mallory Towers hehehe Kalau mimpi punya perpustakaan pribadi yang nyaman di rumah sendiri sih sering banget, kayanya kalau punya perpustakaan pribadi di rumah tuh walaupun kecil dan di pojokan tapi pasti berasa surga banget deh. Surga buku tepatnya! ;)

The "Town of Books" on Hay-on-Wye (pic source)

Saya senang membaca. Nggak ada kategori tertentu sih, saya senang baca apa aja yang ada di depan mata, dari majalah, tabloid, sampai chicklit dan buku cerita anak klasik. Saya juga senang baca biografi dan hystorical fiction, apalagi kalau tentang dinasti kerajaan Inggris ;) Karena saya senang Sejarah jadi segala bacaan yang ada unsur sejarahnya pasti saya senang bacanya. Buku tebal pun gak jadi masalah buat yang senang baca. Karena segala sesuatu yang kita lakukan dengan enjoy pasti nggak akan terasa capek kan? Membaca itu hiburan sekaligus proses belajar buat saya. Dengan membaca saya jadi banyak tahu tentang segala macam hal, jadi bisa nyambung ngobrol sama banyak orang. Buku itu kan sumber pengetahuan, jadi kalau nggak senang buku gimana bisa cepat tambah pintar? ehehehe...

Hmm, kalau memang di dunia ini ada yang namanya surga buku ala Yuri pasti itu isinya buku-buku biografi, sejarah Inggris, sejarah dunia, hystorical fiction, buku-buku travel, buku interior, buku fashion, chicklit, buku genre fantasy, sampai dengan majalah dan katalog hehe Tapi yang pasti semuanya harus tertata rapi di rak kayu yang berbaris-baris sampai ke atas, ada pojok membaca dengan sofa empuk dan bantal-bantal mungil dengan jendela besar, pakai karpet dan lampu baca segala just incase mau baca malam-malam ;p Seru nggak surga buku ala diriku? Boleh mampir kok kalau mau, tapi cuma boleh baca di tempat ya hihihihi ^o^

Oiya, kalau kalian lagi cari -cari review buku bisa tengok ke Surga BukuKu, kebetulan Surga Bukuku lagi ulang tahun dan mau bagi-bagi paket buku. Kalau saya sih udah pasti mengincar yang paket B, paket Classic Fantasy. Ada buku A Wizard of Earthsea & The Tombs of Atuan (Ursula K. Le Guin). Buku-buku kaya gini nih yang sering menarik perhatian saya. Dari judulnya saja sudah bikin penasaran kan? Sudah lama juga saya nggak membaca buku genre classic fantasy seperti yang barusan disebut. Mungkin sudah saatnya mulai mengumpulkan buku-buku lagi, supaya cita-cita saya bikin surga buku seperti di atas cepat tercapai ;)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nuffnang Blog Awards, Here I Come

December 16 is the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011, a major event hosted by, Asia-Pacific’s first and leading blog advertising community that currently has offices in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Australia. It is also a blogger community (which sadly isn't available yet in Indonesia).

The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is an event to celebrate bloggers and blogger communities. The event will have 500 bloggers from around the Asia-Pacific region gathered in one place which is the Putrajaya Marriott. The Awards aims to not only honour the region's best bloggers, but also to bring together blogger communities from across Asia-Pacific.

Being a blogger myself I always appreciate events like this, where blogger communities thrive, building networks and making friends. Having a product review blog also makes me really appreciate Nuffnang, and wish that Indonesia will have Nuffnang too in the not so far future.

Okay, so these are my top 3 reasons why I want to attend the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011:

  1. Because I want to be a part of the community! - One of the thing of becoming a blogger is to have a community where we understand each other. Where we all have something in common which is: our love to write! It feels nice to be surrounded by people who have the same interest, it feels like you to something. And I want to have a taste of what it feels like to be a part of a bigger community, to know bloggers from outside your countries, and to feel what it's like to be a part of something big :)
  2. Because I want to be one of the first Indonesian bloggers to attend the event! - This is a majorly big event for Asia Pacific bloggers so of course I wouldn't miss it for the world. I love attending events to gain new experiences, new knowledge, and new friends. Networking is so important right now, it could only bring good to your blog. And I would also love to meet new friends and make new acquaintances so I can tell them about bloggers in Indonesia too. And it would be an honour for me to be able to come and experience the event and then share the whole experience in my blog!
  3. Because I want to party! - LOL. No, actually I just want to put on my best dress, go all out with hair style and make up, and feels like I'm ready to attend the Oscar night (well I think this event is similar to Oscar for bloggers ;p), and then have a nice gala dinner (I don't think I ever done gala dinner before ;p), and then chat and mingle with everyone because I imagine the event would be like a melting pot where there are many people from different countries gather together in one place >>> I believe we bloggers are all basically very chatty people ;)

Other reasons to attend the event? 
Well, aside from the free food (;p) I would also love to visit KL again. As one of my passion is traveling so a chance to visit KL again would be nice ^o^

The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is brought to you by Volkswagen Malaysia and Putrajaya Marriott.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Self Hair-Cut

In August I received a hair-cutting guide tool from CreaClip for review purposes. I tried it with my bangs back then, and successfully trimmed it nicely. But now that my hair is starting to get a little bit out of control, I thought I'd give my hair an all-over trim with the Do It Yourself CreaClip tool. For you who didn't read my review post on CreaClip you can read it here so you'll have an idea on how CreaClip works for a DIY hair trim / hair cut that you can do it yourself at the comfort of your home.

So my hair has been too overly long for me to handle, it started to weigh me down because the layered hair style has gone awry and the tips are a bit dry, and it just feel limp and heavy at the bottom. And don't even get me started on the bangs! The bangs are really really long, it needs trim ASAP, it makes my face looks dull and gives an all-over very un-attractive hair style. So it was time for a little bit improvement.

Trimming are needed to make hair more healthy and lively. The layers also need trimming to keep them in shape, and the bangs need urgent attention, STAT. So I grabbed my CreaClip, watched a couple of their How-To videos, and just start it!


 I cut the length a bit and make it more proportional. In the first picture you can see the overly long layers that already looked like a mess with several hairs sticking out un-tamed. And then on second picture you can see that I tamed it a bit by trimming the layers and smooth some edges to make it more like a V-shaped.


I actually love the result! I love that it's not too much difference from my "before" hair style which means that I can keep the original hair style and succeeded in just trimming it!
I can still see the layers, shorten it to give it a fresh shape, and finally shorten the bangs a little bit. You can see in  first picture that my bangs is too long it disappear into the hairline. But on second picture you see that I cut it shorter so that I can still style my bangs and it gives me a more fresh look.

Here's another take on the new bang:

 The CreaClip is really easy to use, it gives you ideas as well as a guide to help you determine how short / long you want your hair to be, and what style you aim when trying to cut your hair. This is a simple tool created by a woman with genius idea behind it. And with this successful experience I guess I won't have to go to hair salon anymore for those expensive hair trims ^__^