
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Stationary Haul #1

I've been into stationery again lately and I bought two planners for this year's planning, so I did a lot of stationary hauls especially from the start of this month. I've been writing journals and decorating my planner since I was in college but when I had my 9 to 5 office job I didn't have extra time to decor my planner. This year I started using planner regularly again, and I was inspired by all the budding stationary-addict out there to decorate my planners and journal to make them look pretty :)

So, here is my stationary haul part 1. 
I bought all these things mostly to decorate my planner and journal, so you will see lots of stickers, sticky notes, page flags, etc ... 
Also, I plan to name my haul in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, etc -- so that I would know how many stationary hauls I did in one month.

One more thing, what you will see below are a collective haul from a week. So usually I would go and buy some stationary things 1-2 times a week (because I'm starting as newbie again so I still need to build my stationary / planner supplies). 

FYI for my foreign readers, I live in Jakarta - Indonesia so most of these things I got from local stores and Ebay. We don't have Target or Hema here so I usually shop at Scoop (a must-visit store for stationary addict!) and our local book store such as Gramedia, etc.

For week 1 of January I went to SCOOP and bought these :
Three Page Flags 
Vintage Post Card set
Vintage Bird Stamp Stickers
Two Fabric Tapes

I forgot about the scissor, it wasn't part of my Scoop haul. 
It's a "Wave" Crafting Scissor and I bought it at TM Bookstore.

My most favorite purchase are probably these fabric tapes. 
I bought two of them: one in pink floral design (with adhesive) and a neutral lace tape (with no adhesive)

And then I went to IKEA and bought these items which I would use for planner decorating and gift wrapping:
 A set of Gold Gift Tags
A set of Paper Ribbons

The Hello Kitty tall mug is not from Ikea, 
I bought it from TM Bookstore and it's for my pencil holders on my desk ;p

 The two items above are the ones that I got from Ikea

Then at the end of the week I went to SCOOP again and bought these:
 Rose Floral Round Tin
A set of "Internet Symbols" Page Flags
Kitchen Sticker set
Masking Sticker Set (>> I LOVETHIS!)
Two Deco Paper Tapes

 I really love the victorian romance theme in this haul :)
I love how pretty these deco paper tapes are!

 This is what's inside the Masking Sticker set. 
It comes with 8 different sheets full with a variety of stickers. You can see from the photo above that each sheet has different patterns, and each of the pattern has its own cutting lines in it. So all I have to do is just peel them! 
I really love this! Perfect to decorate any planner in a jiffy.

Lastly, here's the details of the page flag and kitchen stickers: 

Don't forget to follow my Instagram for my #stationary and #plannerspread + #plannerobsessed posts!
My IG account is: @yurikristia (^_^)

Happy Weekend, guys!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Apt Project: Closet Makeover - A Work In Progress

Udah lama banget semenjak postingan terakhir saya tentang Apt Project. Terakhir saya membahas tentang Breakfast Station di area dapur saya yang mungil, dan juga tentang Reveal: Kitchen Set & Living Room. Sekarang sudah setahun saya tinggal disini, tapi beberapa decorating projects masih tetap berlangsung, such as our wardrobe room ;)

Sebenernya sekarang juga belum selesai sih, tapi lumayan lah sekarang udah ada lemari buat nyimpen baju dengan layak. Kemaren-kemaren naro baju masih pake rak kecil plus sebagian ditaruh dalam koper (>_<) berhubung belum ada storage. Setelah bolak-balik gonta ganti rencana layout ruangan wardrobe, akhirnya diputuskan lah untuk membeli lemari rak Kallax dari Ikea sebagai pengganti lemari pakaian. 

Dari awal memang saya pengennya sistem open wardrobe, biar kaya di butik-butik gitu ceritanya hihihi Pengennya sih pakai custom wardrobe system dari seri PAX nya Ikea, namun apa daya harganya selangit. Terus mikir apa pakai system ALGOT series aja yang jauh lebih murah daripada PAX, tapi kendalanya kalau pakai sistem Algot nanti susah dipindah-pindah posisinya karena rak-nya permanen nempel ke dinding. Berhubung saya orangnya bosenan dan suka ganti-ganti layout furniture jadi saya urung juga pakai Algot. 

Ada lagi namanya STOLMEN system, tapi saya nggak suka penampakannya. SKIP!

Akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk pakai lemari rak besar dari seri KALLAX. Harganya lumayan lah kalau dibanding pesen custom rack system dari Algot. Saya dan hubby memutuskan beli yang ukuran paling besar dengan total 16 rak. Harganya IDR 1,899,000 - TAPIIII..... berhubung saya pemburu diskon jadi saya beli nya di bagian "As Is" --> tempat clearance barang-barang ikea yang lokasinya di dekat area kasir.

Barang-barang di area AS-IS ini harganya miring karena biasanya ada sedikit cacat atau barang bekas display. Kebanyakan sih cacatnya nggak keliatan kok. Seperti lemari Kallax saya ini. Saya beli di bagian As-Is hanya seharga IDR 980,000-an saja!! Hohoho ... Lumayan, dapet setengah harga dari harga aslinya yang hampir dua jeti (^_^) *happydance*.

Lemari yang saya dapat ini di diskon karena bekas display, cacatnya hanya ada sedikir watermark dan ada bekas bor (yang nantinya rencana nya akan saya tutup dengan laci biar nggak keliatan hehe). Lemari kallax ini memang bisa dipasangi laci atau dipasangin keranjang yang berfungsi sebagai laci. 

Ada beberapa macam laci yang bisa dipakai untuk lemari kallax ini. Waktu itu saya mau sekalian beli lacinya juga tapi lagi out of stock. Rencananya saya mau pasang dua buah laci di bawah ini untuk di bagian tengah lemari. Fungsinya nanti untuk laci underwear (^_^)

Contoh lemari dengan laci:
(photo source: Ikea)

Saya memutuskan untuk pakai rak semacam ini sebagai pengganti lemari baju karena kalau hanya pakai lemari baju biasa udah pasti nggak muat itu baju-baju saya huhuhu Belum lagi ditambah baju suami. Lah wong baju saya aja udah satu lemari lebih (>_<) *guilty*

Kalau mau pakai lemari baju pasti butuh dua lemari, atau at least satu lemari tapi yang model empat pintu. Kalau dihitung-hitung ya harganya jadi mahal juga, udah gitu lemari baju 4 pintu pasti makan tempat. Berhubung space di kamar wardrobe sangat terbatas jadinya rak kallax ini adalah jawaban paling tepat untuk kebutuhan kami saat ini. Ditambah satu rak gantungan yang memang kami sudah punya lebih dulu, untuk menampung sisa baju kami. 

Rak kallax untuk tempat menyimpan baju-baju yang bisa dilipat seperti kaus, jeans, sweater, celana pendek, rok, dll. Juga untuk tempat laci underwear. Sementara rak gantungan untuk menyimpan baju yang gampang lecek seperti kemeja kerja suami, dress, blouse, dan cardigan saya. Untuk kebaya, baju pesta dll saya simpan dalam koper karena jarang dipakai.

Di sebelah kiri lemari kallax masih ada sedikit space kosong yang saya jadikan tempat bernaung si QQ alias manekin kesayangan saya. Manekin ini juga sekalian jadi tempat untuk menaruh tas saya yang lagi dipakai saat ini. Sementara di sebelah kanan lemari yang bersinggungan dengan rak gantung saya tambahkan kait kecil untuk tempat koleksi scarf saya.

Sebelumnya saya sudah terlebih dulu men-sortir koleksi scarf saya yang ternyata tanpa disadari udah segunung. Heran saya, padahal saya jarang pakai scarf loh, tapi kok tau-tau scarf saya udah segunung aja hihihi

Bisa dilihat di foto diatas tadi kalau di sisi lain ruangan ada kaca seukuran badan yang saya beli di Ace Hardware waktu baru pindah dulu. Dan di sisi lain ruangan ada dua buah rak kecil yang saya jadikan tempat penyimpanan tas serta aksesoris saya. 

Bayangin, dulu waktu belum ada si kallax, baju-baju saya dan suami semuanya ditumpuk paksa ke dalam dua rak mungil ini. Sampai membludak keluar kemana-mana hahaha Kalau diingat-ingat, dulu saya suka kesel kalau mau ganti baju, soalnya mau ngambil baju aja susah karena semua baju ditumpuk paksa ke dalam rak dan kalau narik satu baju dari tumpukan tuh suka langsung amburadul jatuh keluar semua bajunya hahaha *parah*

Untungnya sekarang udah ada si kallax, dressing up is a lot more fun now compared to the old days ;p

Saya juga udah sortir tas yang udah lama gak dipakai, but I only got rid of two bags karena yang lainnya masih dipakai secara bergantian. Rak ini untuk tempat simpan tas-tas yang lagi nggak saya pakai, sementara untuk tas yang sedang saya pakai saya simpan di manekin, for easier reach.

Di bagian atas rak jadi tempat harta karun aksesoris saya. Sementara di sebelah kanan rak ada container besar yang isinya bedcover. Diatasnya ada tumpukan pashmina, more bags, and more bed cover. Sebenarnya semua yang ada di bagian ini masih tempat penyimpanan sementara sih, saya belum nemu tempat penyimpanan tas yang sesuai saya mau, so for now this storage will do.

Untuk perhiasan, sebagian besar saya simpan di rak akrilik yang saya dapat di Ace Hardware (tapi udah nggak produksi lagi). Sebagian lagi saya gantung di gantungan aksesoris yang saya beli di Claire's Kemang Village waktu lagi diskon. 

Saya juga bikin papan DIY untuk tempat kalung. Caranya gampang banget. Tinggal beli papan cork board kaya diatas trus di kasih frame dan tambahin push pin deh untuk gantung kalung / gelang. Papannya bisa digantung pakai paku / ditempel di dinding, atau cukup disender ke dinding kaya saya punya. Berhubung saya rada males bikin-bikin DIY jadi saya pakai yang lebih praktis. Saya beli papan cork board yang memang sudah ada frame-nya. Jadi waktu saya beli bentuknya sudah seperti itu. Beli-nya waktu itu di Office 1 store. Tinggal tambahin push pins deh :)

Satu lagi, saya juga taro nampan kecil untuk tempat extra kalung-kalung saya yang ukuran sedang. Jadi untuk kalung ukuran kecil / dainty pieces saya gantung di papan, kalung ukuran sedang saya taruh di nampan, sementara kalung yang ukuran besar dan panjang saya gantung di gantungan aksesoris di dinding. Untuk kalung yang jenis bulky (statement pieces) saya simpan dalam plastik dan saya taruh di atas container akrilik.

Di dalam container akrilik nya sendiri ada gelang-gelang saya, cincin, mata kalung, dan jam tangan.

Ruangan ini belum sepenuhnya selesai, saya masih rencana mau tambah meja rias karena sampai sekarang masih bingung mau pilih / pakai meja rias macam apa yang nggak makan tempat tapi punya banyak storage. *bingung*

So for now, this is how our wardrobe room looks like. Nanti kalau ada update lagi atau kalau saya sudah beli meja rias I'll update here again :)

See you soon!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Shopping Bag !

Home scented-products are my favorites. I always love good-smelling products including perfume, body sprays, body wash, candles, room sprays, etc. I usually put up my beauty-related hauls in my other blog Two Thousand Things, so go on and click THIS LINK if you want to read my beauty and fashion themed blog.

Meanwhile, all the home-related hauls will be posted on this blog instead, such as these candles and home fragrances that I recently purchased during the last couple of months. Now, without further ado, here's my recent home-fragrance shopping bag ( + one non-scented haul which is a bunch of hair brushes ;p) :

 From Ikea Singapore:
Dofta Potpourri in Blue
Dofta Potpourri in Green
Sinnlig Candle in Strawberry
Tidsenlig Candle in White (narcissus?)

 From Ikea Indonesia:
Sinnlig Candle in Grey (spa?)

 From Bath & Body Works Indonesia:
White Barn Leaves Candle
White Barn Mahogany Teakwood Candle

This one below are not scented products but I just want to also feature them here because it is one of my recent purchases and because I love it so much :)
 Hair brushes from Forever 21
Aren't they too cute?!

 What did you purchased recently?

 See You on my next post!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Home-Living: Hand Soap Collection

For those of you who didn't know, I have a knack for fancy hand soaps :)
You might call me a snob but I just love hand soaps. The reason behind that is maybe because I'm kinda weird with my hands. I don't like my hands to feel dirty or dusty, or greasy or dry, etc. I like my hands to be clean and moist, ALL DAY LONG. 

So every time I do something like applying moisturizer to my face or after I pet my cats even for just a stroke, I would wash my hands afterwards. Even when I'm cooking I would do 3-4 times of hand washing during the cooking process (wash hands after slicing onions, wash hands after preparing eggs, wash hands before making rice, etc until I finished cooking). I would also wash my hands after I went outside, before making tea/coffee, after applying body lotion, etc - That's why I always wash my hands up to 5-10 times a day. And THAT's why I need a good hand soap. 

I need a good hand soap that would make my hands smells good and would not dry my hands with all those frequent washing that I did during the day. So that's when I started collecting fancy hand soaps. It's not for show-off, but it's because they doesn't dry my hands like the regular hand soaps do. So please don't judge me (*_^)

So anyway, I just recently purchased two new soaps from Bath & Body Works when they were having a sale last week ( 2 hand soaps for IDR 160k ), and I purchased their Aqua Blossom Deep Cleansing Hand Soap and Peach Bellini Gentle Foaming Hand Soap. 

Below are the whole collection of my hand soaps (PS: my stash is not that much, but it's probably too much for someone who doesn't collect handsoaps ;p) :

They are mostly from Bath & Body Works because I used to buy them when they were having huge sales on their website and then I have them shipped to my brother in law's address who was residing in the US at that time. I also bought a couple of them when I went to Singapore a few months ago when BBW were not available here yet in Jakarta.

But now Bath & Body Works has opened it's stores here in Jakarta and I am so excited because it is one of my favorite store! Me and hubby K also love BBW hand soaps especially the foamy hand soaps because they last longer than the regular hand soap (which means it saves us money on the long run), so most of my stash includes those foaming hand soaps from BBW.

 BBW Citrus Garland (my current kitchen sink handsoap)
BBW Cranberry Tangerine Foaming Hand Soap
BBW Fresh Sparkling Snow Foaming Hand Soap

 BBW Iced Ginger Bread (my current guest handsoap)
BBW Kitchen Lemon Foaming Hand Soap
BBW Peach Bellini Foaming Hand Soap

 BBW Aqua Blossom Deep Cleansing Hand Soap
BBW Twilight Woods Deep Cleansing Hand Soap
Marks & Spencer Lily of The Valley Moisture Rich Hand Wash (my current bathroom handsoap)

From all my BBW hand soaps collection, only two of them are the Deep Cleansing variant which I think would be perfect for my bathroom sinks. The rest of them are the Gentle Foaming variant which is our favorite type of BBW hand soaps - which I like to use in the kitchen or when I have guests.

Before I tried BBW hand soaps I used to buy Marks & Spencer hand soaps because they have pretty packaging, they doesn't dry my hands even after repeated washing, and they smells great too. I also found a new hand soap brand that I found in Ace Hardware called Astonish that also smells great and surprisingly the scent lasts on my hands for a lot longer than any other hand soaps! So that's a score for me :)

 The last two of my Marks & Spencer hand soaps:
Lily of The Valley (which I'm currently using)
China Blue (which we finished recently)

 Astonish Milk & Honey Anti-Bacterial Handwash 
(which I'm currently using for my bedroom sink at my parents in law's house)

I think I would buy the Astonish hand soap again from Ace Hardware (in another variant, of course) because I love it so much. Every time I use this soap I can still smell the soft scent that lingers in my hand long after I washed my hands :) - This soap makes me want to always wash my hands!

One thing to note: it is a bit pricey for a hand soap (around IDR 40k when I bought it), but the bottle is huge (!) so I think it has the most higher value for money compared to BBW or Marks & Spencer hand soaps above (^_^). Totally worth trying out if you like fancy handsoaps like I do ;p

Do you love hand soaps too? 
Do you have a favorite brand of hand soaps?
Lemme know!

Adios Chicas!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Today's Drink !

How are you today, lovelies?
My day is great. I'm actually quite productive today. I took some photographs for the blog, I rearranged my big stash of soaps, I did a full body scrub and face mask, I decorated the first pages of my 2015 planner and re-organize my stationary stash a little bit. And then I also cooked lunch, reply old emails, ate dinner while watching movie with hubby K, and now I am back in front of my laptop, answering emails and writing blog posts, yay!

One of my goal for 2015 is to do more blogging and develop this blog into something better. So let's see about that ;)

Now on to my new blog series, I'm gonna have a couple of new blog series here and one of them is "Today's Drink" - which will feature a short/mini review on what I drink lately. Or just a highlight of my drink on that day because I like to switch my drinks daily and if you follow my instagram you will see lots of photos of me and my drink ;)

So without further ado, here are a couple of drinks that I tried the last two days. Both of these drinks are new to me so I'm gonna include a mini review on each of them. Let's start with the first drink. 
Yesterday I was feeling a little bit off and needed to de-stress. So I decided to drink this tea that my brother gave me a while back, and hoping that it would help me calm down and relax a bit.

The brand is called Traditional Medicinals, and my brother ordered it from an online drugstore and have it shipped here to Jakarta so I'm not sure whether or not you can get this tea locally here in Indonesia.

The actual name is Traditional Medicinals Tea in Organic Chamomile with Lavender, and it's a naturally caffeine-free herbal tea. I like the packaging on this one because I saw the box at my brother's room back in my parent's house. This is also my first ever caffeine-free tea!

The tea inside the bag looks very inviting with all those visible herbs picking out from the bag. When steeped, the tea has a pale green color almost like a brewed green tea. The scent is not too strong though, but I do smell a sweet fragrant chamomile in it.

As for the taste, my relationship with chamomile tea is actually pretty good, but I have a "love & hate" relationship with lavender tea. So what happened if it's a mixed of chamomile and lavender? 
I'm sorry but we just don't get along.

I don't know what happened there but I just found out that I don't really like a mix of chamomile and lavender herbal tea. Maybe if it was added with something else I would have liked it better, but I'm just not liking this one. You can definitely taste the chamomile and lavender combination, and there's that typical taste of herbal tea which feels a little bit raw. Maybe herbal tea is not for me? I don't know, I need to try more herbal teas now ...

Ok, that was yesterday, and today I tasted a new drink. 
I got this sachet drink from a colleague of hubby K who gave it to him at the office. After a failed attempt at caffeine-free chamomile lavender herbal tea yesterday, today's drink is a hit!

The drink is called Lipton Chai Latte, and it's a 3 in 1 drink so all you gotta do is add hot water. I think I've seen this variant in one of those online store that sells snacks but I forgot where I saw it. Anyway, this is my first time trying this and at first I was a bit skeptical because I once tried a chai latte and I'm not really a fan. But maybe a different brand means a different taste, right? So today I'm making one of these..

Turns out that I really like it. This Lipton version of Chai Latte is actually just a simple tea with milk and sugar. The concoction is really good and it reminds me of a simple teh tarik, a traditional Malaysian drink which is also a favorite of mine. I think this one would be good either served hot or cold. I used a taller glass instead of a little cup for this sachet and it tastes great!

I'm gonna ask hubby K to stalk his colleague and asked where did he get this drink because I want a big box of this !

What do you drink today?


Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 - A Year in Highlights

Happy New Year everyone!

As usual, every start of the year I made this kind of posts where I review the previous year to look back and reflect about everything that has happened through the year. 2014 has been a very good year to me and my husband. I experienced a lot of great moments and wonderful times in 2014, GOD has been so kind and generous to us. There are a couple of my long-time goals that I finally achieved in 2014, and there are a lot of things to be thankful for. So although I didn't get all my deepest wishes back in 2014, I still count my blessings because we were blessed with so many things and lots of wonderful moments that are worth the wait. Alhamdulillahirabbil Alamiin... May the year 2015 and the years ahead of us would be even more remarkable and full of blessings. Amien..

So now on to the Year in Review :

At the start of the year we went for a short family holiday in Lembang with my husband's side of the family. The place was really nice and the view is beautiful. In January we also finally starts moving out to our new place! It was a momentous time for me and hubby K because we've been waiting for our own place for more than 3 years. And at the start of 2014 it finally happened and our new place is finally live-able :) Alhamdulillah...

(moving out process!)

Then in February we got another blessing where we trade our old car with a New car ! It was another momentous time for us because it came at the right moment and we were so blessed with it. February seems as my lucky month because aside from getting a new car, I also won some contests, yay! I haven't been participating in many giveaways and contests lately so I was surprised to win these two contests, especially winning a Kate Spade bag from FemaleDaily contest (Can't believe it! My first designer bag! For free!!) - Alhamdulillah..
The other contest that I won is a FatBurger contest which I actually joined for fun but turns out I won 3rd prize :) We won the Bolt 3G Wireless Modem that we later sold for IDR 300.000 to buy some decors for our new pad (not bad, yeah?) ;p 

The car was out from the dealer this month so in March 17th I took it for it's first drive :) I drove all the way from Fedex toll gate to the apartment. Another good news to note is that Hubby got a raise this month. Alhamdulillahirabbil Alamiin..

It's election day and it's the first time that I got my spirits up again with the election because I kinda like the candidate this time. I also started to read again because I wasn't having much spare time to read for the past several months due to moving out process and decoration projects. But now I started to buy books again and try to read it if I have any spare time. Nothing really special happened this month though...

It's hubby's birthday! We had our usual birthday date (dinner & a movie). Hubby K also took 5 days off work on his birthday week so we also went for a mini break to Puncak. We stayed at Novus Giri Hotel & Resort which I have fully reviewed HERE. During that week-off we also had a leisure day in Ancol beach, just me and hubby K. We had a ride in the gondola, we went to Columbus Cafe which is a newer cafe positioned out in the ocean, etc...
This month also marks the month where I finally can do "it" with confidence ;)

This month is our first time experiencing Ramadhan (Islamic fasting month) in our own place. I cooked for sahur but we usually buy something for iftar :) My cooking skills gained a few points this month, Lol. Also, I finally "do it" alone around this time - One more long standing resolution accomplished!

First time celebrating Ied day in our own place. Alhamdulillah... Although we didn't do Ied prayer at our place but it still feels different. This year we went to Bandung in the afternoon to celebrate Ied day with K's big family and we went back to Jakarta on day 2. 
This month I get to experience losing two of my most precious personal items. First, I lost my wallet due to an un-zipped loose bag that I wore that day, but fortunately a really kind lady found my wallet and gave it back to me the next day. Second time, I lost my wedding ring not long after I lost my wallet. I lost it in a taxi but fortunately the taxi was ordered by phone so they still have the taxi registration number and finally contacted the driver. The taxi representative came to my house the next day to return the ring. Thank you for the great service Blue Bird Taxi!

It's my birthday month! (^_^)
We had dinner at Sushi Tei where the waiters gave me the birthday sushi cake with candles lit! And then we went window shopping afterwards. As a present, K bought me my MK Jet Set East West Tote in Luggage via Reebonz. Sooo happyy...! Thankyou Hubby :D - We also had a little family trip to Ancol beach again.

I got bags-crazy this year and the PurseForum is my enabler, lol. I bought myself MBMJ Laptop Sleeve and Ipad Sleeve because they were discounted to 50% off! September is a great month for me because aside from the awesome discount above, I also had the chance to go with my old college friends to Singapore for a 3 days holiday. It's been a wonderful time because I get to visit USS which is also one of my long-standing goals from last years. We also went to Puncak again for a big family holiday. And finally this month I started to "do it" by myself regularly.

There was not much interesting things happening in October aside of a few event invitations. I finally had the time again to go to events because now I have more spare time. My mom also got a new cat around this time, a Persian-mixed white cat that we named Chibby. He is so cute and adorable and I couldn't get my hands off those luxurious lustrous fur!

This month is the start of my stationary crazy mode. I always love stationary and decorating planners etc but I haven't done that since college time, wtf?! So I was enabled by some of the stationary addicts in Instagram and Youtube that have ignited my old love of stationary, so the hunt for stationary stash begins this month. We also went to Ikea Indonesia the first time this month because last month (when Ikea just opened) the line is pretty crazy, so they say.

At the end of the year, we are starting again our long-postponed infertility program. It hasn't succeeded the first round but we're hoping that it would succeed the next round, Amien. Meanwhile, I got another thing to be thankful for because I got myself a new Longchamp bag from my project with one of my blog sponsor! I felt so blessed, Alhamdulillah.. It's an extremely nice freebie stuff to end the year with a bang! - (though I suspect it would lead to another bags/designer-crazy mode next year ;p)

In summary, three of my biggest personal highlights in 2014 were: 
  1. Moving out to our new place and started our life together in our own place.
  2. Traded the old car and got ourselves a new one.
  3. My Singapore trip with old college friends.

So thank you a lot 2014 for being so kind to me, and hopefully 2015 and the years ahead would be even better. Amien ...

Last  year I did a similar post but it's more towards highlighting what my blog has done in year 2013, if you want to read that you can CLICK HERE.

Adios Chicas,