
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Crystallized Business Card Case (Review+Giveaway) - CLOSED

Hi guys,
I'm really sorry for not writing for so long, it's just the last 2 weeks has been very busy for me. It started with the Jakarta Fashion Week that started around 2 weeks ago, I was covering the whole shebang on my fashion blog so I have to go to fashion week every day and give full reports at night of the same day, pfiuh! But I love what I'm doing so yeah..
But I'm so sorry I didn't get an extra time to write here, I've been concentrating to my fashion blog, and then when the fashion week is finally over, I got caught up with the flu, the heavy kind, where you couldn't get out of bed, so again I have to leave this blog for a while. And that's the reason behind my absent.
But now I'm fully recovered and ready to blog again :)

To start, I have rewarded your patient with a new Giveaway! :D
The giveaway is courtesy of Executive Gift Shoppe, a website where you could get perfect gifts for business or pleasures. But first, the review first!

For the review, I thought I'd asked for their personalized service by ordering a White Crystal Business Card Case. I was going to a big blogger event a couple of weeks ago and I already got myself a free pack of business cards so I thought a representative business card case would be great. I chose the White crystal over the other crystallized options because I thought it would be neutral enough (well, I considered the pink crystal too since the color is very lovely but decided to go with white anyway).

When the business card case arrived (the shipment was fast enough for international shipping.  That means the ordering process is quick and looks like they processed my item fast enough). And here is my new crystallized business card: 

The business card case was made of a polished silver case frame covered with over 240 shimmering white crystals on the front, while the personalized inscriptions were at the back. Looks pretty, isn't it?

The inscriptions at the back of the case were engraved prettily and adds a touch of luxury to the case. Engraving are free (no extra cost) and you can personalized it up to two lines - max 25 characters per line (just like mine above). 

The case can hold up to 20 business cards, perfect to tote around even in your tiny little clutch bag. My freshly arrived business cards looks more cool inside the white crystal card case, I just love it (and I can't help to keep showing it around too ;p).

Overall, I love the whole appearance of my new business card case although my personal taste would have wanted the crystals to be a bit more sparkly and blingy, you know.. but that's just me ;p

sorry about the fingerprint marks on the back, i forgot to swipe it clean before taking the photo

The more important thing is I'm happy to know that the crystals are still intact after all those reckless gestures of mine (I used to change bags every other day and whenever I changed bags I will took the case and shoved it to the other bag, and then whenever I'm working I would take it from the bag and put it anywhere near me as long as there's a surface ;p) So yeah, the crystals are quite durable, and I'm satisfied with that.
This white crystal business card case is $45 but currently it is on SALE for $40.

As for the quality of the case, we're talking about good quality with affordable price here. Very recommended. I love the polished silver case, if you don't like the crystal ones you can try other style, there are a few options of Business Card Holder to choose from.
I also like the fact that you don't need to pay extra for personalized inscriptions, and the shipping is fast (they can ship the item the next day right after you ordered).

So with a service like that and no extra charge for personalized item (I'm not quite sure if all items has this service, please check first) you should consider getting something from Executive Gift Shoppe for the special person (especially guys) on your christmas gift list.

Executive Gift Shoppe have a big lists of gifts options for the men in your life but you could also find a ladies section there. All items are categorized neatly so it will make it easier for you to browse around. You could find watches, groomsmen gifts, Flasks, etc.

My first choice was this Doppio Coffee Travel Tote:
 It comes with 1 vacuum-sealed stainless steel thermal flask, 2 double-walled stainless steel mugs, 1 stainless steel container with screw-top lids (perfect for cream or sugar), 2 stainless steel teaspoons, and 2 napkins. Perfect for a day away with your loved ones ;)

 I don't know exactly why but old pocket watch like this always fascinates me, maybe because my love for vintage things, i don't know...but this particular one surely looks cool ;p

And this classic oval-shaped picnic basket... Ooh I always longed for a cute picnic basket, much like this one. This one comes packed with everything you need for a picnic in the park, service for two! Lovely, very lovely.

Executive Gift Shoppe has kindly offered a Free personalized item of winner's choice (up to $50) !

Please pay attention to The RULES before you enter.

(To be eligible for this giveaway contest you MUST do the MANDATORY below. You only need 1 Mandatory entry to enter, but you could also have Additional entries to maximize your chances, please remember to leave each entry in a separate comment box or it won't be counted)

To ENTER (MANDATORY) : You must visit Executive Gift Shoppe, take a look around at the store and then come back here and tell me in a comment on this post, what product would you choose if you win. (1 entry)

For Additional entry (put each entry in a separate comment box) :

  • Like Executive Gift Shoppe in their Facebook Fan Page (leave your FB name). (2 entries) - put each entry in a separate comment box 
  • Follow Executive Gift Shoppe on Twitter (leave your twitter id). (1 entry) 
  • Follow Tigerlily's Book with Google Friend Connect (must be a visible follower). Look for it in my sidebar. (2 entries) - put each entry in a separate comment box
  • Follow me via RSS Subscriber or Twitter (find links in sidebar) -- tell me your id or email. If you're already a follower tell me your id/email and which subscription are you using. You can find all subscription links at the right side bar. (1 entry for each subscription - put in separate comment box)
  • Tweet about this giveaway with a link back here - leave me the link. (1 entry for each time you tweet)
  • Add my link to your blogroll (give me the link where you put it). (3 entries)
  • Blog about this giveaway with a link back here, leave the URL of your post in a NEW separate comment box. (3 entries)
  • Grab my badge and post it in your blog's side bar or homepage (find my badge in the side bar, just copy the html provided and paste it in your blog), don't forget to give me the link. (3 entries)

NOTE : Remember to include your email in the comment box so I can reach you if you win.
Your entries will be visible after my approval so All entries that does not apply with the rules will not be counted and I will not published the entry!

This giveaway will end on Dec 6, 2010 at 24:00 pm. 
Yeah baby, this giveaway is open for WORLDWIDE!
Winner will be announced here on Dec 7, 2010.

I will use to pick the winning number. If the winner does not respond within 48hrs then I will have to choose another winner and will announce it again in my blog. Good luck to everyone! ^__^
I did not receive any form of payment for this review and this is written based on my own honest opinion. The free product(s) were provided by Executive Gift Shoppe for review purposes only, and this compensation DOES NOT influence my opinion at all. If I said it's good then it's good, if it needs improvement I will say so :)
The sponsor is the one who is fully responsible for sending the giveaway prize to the winner(s) therefore I will not be held responsible for prizes that are not sent by the sponsors or for any lost shipment of the prize.

Friday, November 5, 2010

My new Business Card from REVIEW

As I told you earlier in my Pesta Blogger 2010 post, I got myself a business card (my first ever!) courtesy of I can't believe my luck when I got a box full of cute business card from mas Agus of Yes, I can't believe my luck when I saw it for the first time ( well i did get to see the preview of the card before it's printed but still it's different when you see it live in front of your eyes ;p ), it's so cute and i just love it!


Well actually I was trying to design something so i could have a business card that differ from the other but since I want to bring it to Pesta Blogger which was due in a week and with the extra time needed to print and send it to my address so there's not enough time to design anything in that limited time since I have to design it from scratch anyway, and if you're used to design things you might know how hard it is to design from scratch in a limited time ;p

So anyway after trying to design something in a couple of days (and failed!) I was giving up and turn to website to look for some templates, I figured this would be the easiest way. Not very original but fast and practical. Surprisingly I found a hard time choosing my favorite template because has so many awesome template designs for every theme and type of businesses. The design range from simple to business-ey to chic and cool graphics. Here are a couple of my favorites from the templates:

And more of cool looking templates available at the site but I decided to go with this one below since I figured that this one most resembles the feel and theme of my two blogs:

Cute isn't it? very girly with all those pastel colors which i love! My two blogs are into women's interest so  I thought a girly color and style would represent it best ^__^

I love the quality of the business card, i like the paper texture, not too thin and not too thick, it's perfect to be tucked in wallets and business card holders. And as I mentioned earlier I love the quality of the color / ink used, there's no spill or un-even spots, everything's perfect. The colors are pretty and it's not too bright nor is it too fade.
And beside the many templates that you can use for free, you can also send your own design to and they will make it specially customized for you. The price is very affordable, no matter if you want it black & white, full colors, or if you want to include photo in it, the price is the same for all designs. What differ the price is the type of paper and whether you want to print it one side or two sides.

There are several types of paper that you can choose (example photos are available in their web), ranging from IDR 39.000 - 69.000 for one side and IDR 69.000 - 99.000 for two sides. In my personal opinion, the price is really affordable considering the quality of the business card and the service they provided.
Ordering is easy, they will give you a preview of your card before it gets printed and the printing process only need one day!

I will definitely order my next business card here on Mine is one sided now but I plan to order the next one in two sides, each side for each of my blog ^o^

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pesta Blogger 2010

Akhirnyaaa.....dateng juga gue ke Pesta Blogger hehe Sebenernya udah dari 2 tahun lalu kpengen dateng ke Pesta Blogger yg diadain setahun sekali itu tapi nggak pernah kesampain... until last Saturday (30 Sept 2010), akhirnya tahun ini gue berhasil juga perdana ke Pesta Blogger 2010 :)
Acaranya berlangsung di Epicentrum Walk Rasuna, di daerah Kuningan, Jakarta. Lumayan nyobain tempat baru. Asik sih tempatnya, tapi pas gue dateng lagi ujan rintik, tapi untung main stage nya semi outdoor gitu jadi semacam ruang terbuka yang ada atapnya. Yg bikin salut adalah tersedianya banyak tempat sampah recycle, yang dipilah-pilah itu lohh, jadi ada tempat khusus untuk buang plastik, ada yg khusus tempat sampah sisa makanan so sehabis makan atau minum kita bisa buang sampah sesuai pada tempatnya. Bener2 salut deh sama panitianya, yg namanya acara besar yg dihadiri oleh lebih dari 1000 orang itu kan biasanya selalu ada problem sampah, sampah kertas lah, bekas makanan lah, tapi ini bersih loh, bahkan sesudah jam makan pun ga terlihat ada sampah berserakan, lantai masih bersih, salut deh buat pesertanya juga yg sadar kebersihan! :D

suasana Pesta Blogger 2010:

Ditemenin hubby yang kebetulan juga tertarik mau ikutan kelas pendek yg diadain di Pesta Blogger. Jadi di Pesta Blogger kemaren tuh ada semacam mini workshop session yg tema nya macem2 dan bisa dipilih terserah kita mau ikut yang mana. Di sesi pertama gue ikut kelasnya VOA (Voice of America), trus sesi kedua gue ikut kelas Perempuan 2.0 dari sama Dan sesi ketiga gue milih kelas Travel & Social Media. Semua sesi menurut gue menyenangkan, gue banyak dpt knowledge baru dan yg pasti jadi tambah terinspirasi.

suasana di kelas/mini workshop:

Pesta Blogger 2010 kali ini banyak bintang tamu nya (ada Panji, Saykoji, kata Inan malah ada Sarah Azhari segala di kelasnya - halah, penting yeh?), trus banyak doorprize, baik dari sponsor maupun dari hasil undian kuis yg sebelumnya berlangsung. Sayangnya walaupun gue dan Inan ngikut lomba nulis JCU, ikut kuis twitter US Embassy dan udh nungguin pengumuman door prize ampe terakhir tapi tetep ga menang apa-apa hahaha Yaudalahya..yg penting kebersamaannya :) sesuai dengan tema pesta blogger tahun ini:

Oiya, ini masih ada beberapa pics from PB 2010:
Panji lagi jadi salah satu pembicara on the main stage

ketemu fellow blogger Desy of Living Daisy
lounging around with my Free coke. Yes people, we get free cokes in PB 2010!
Jadi ceritanya.. Pesta Blogger itu ajang ngumpulnya blogger2 Indonesia, seru sih, lumayan bisa tukeran kartu nama  blog hehe Oya, speaking of kartunama blog, jadi critanya blog gue dapet kartu nama gratis dari Setelah bingung ngulik desain kartunama akhirnya gue nyerah juga dan beralih ke desain yg udah disedian di (lucu2 loh template desainnya). So janjian lah gue sama mas Agus dari untuk ketemuan di PB (Pesta Blogger) untuk ngasih satu box kartunama gretongan ku hehehe... daaaann....inilah kartu nama pertama ku:

Suer, dari jaman dulu masi kerja kantoran, udah pindah berapa kantor pun belom pernah sekalipun punya kartu nama yg bisa dibagi2 hahaha Alhamdulillah sekarang punya juga, gratis pula, walaupun ga ada nama eyke disitu, cuma ada alamat blog tapi yg penting bisa gaya punya kartunama haha (*emang penting yah punya kartunama? -- ya penting lah! apalagi kalo gratis :D). Many many thanks to Mas Agus and for the privilege! I highly recommend for those of you whose looking for good quality affordable business cards. Review menyusul yak ^o^

Aniwey, lanjut soal PB 2010, acaranya berlangsung seru. Hubby yang tadinya sempet takut capek dan bosen pas tau acaranya dari jam 10 pagi sampe jam 5 sore ternyata pas hari H ga kedengeran ngeluh, malah keliatannya ceria banget hihihi berarti itu bukti acaranya ga ngebosenin jadinya kita juga semangat ngikutinnya :) Apalagi pas tau dapet souvenir banyak bener kaya gini...

Mau tau apa aja souvenirnya? Nih salah satunya:
udah kaya iklan PB berjalan hehe (peace hon!), semua pin dipakein, topi dan tas yg dapet gratis juga langsung dipake. Kalo aja kalender bisa dipake mungkin he'd probably wear it too hihihihi becanda yang :)

Selain dapet tas laptop gede kita juga dapet banyak banget pin keren dari berbagai sponsor dan komunitas trus juga dapet notebook kecil plus pulpen lipetnya yang super cool. Trus dapet notebook agak besar plus buku-buku dari US Embassy, dapet kalender, pin dan topi dari VOA, sama dapet mousepad, stiker, pin dan voucher disc 10% dari BodyPack.

lumayan kan? ^o^
Makanya ayo ikutan Pesta Blogger tahun depan!