
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cerita Hari Ini: Gamers

Minggu-minggu terakhir ini lagi gila main game lagi. Berbagai games baik di komputer, di Facebook, dan di handphone semua dimainin sekaligus, puyeng ga tuh?hehehe...
Di kompi mainin Theme Hospital. Game jadul banget, terakhir main waktu jaman masih kuliah (which is bertahun-tahun yang lalu hahaha). Karena kangen pengen maen lagi dan pengen bikin-bikin ruangan di hospital jadi akhirnya bela2in ke toko game langganan untuk special order theme hospital ini hohoho..

Tapi sekarang lagi agak bosen (karena kebanyakan main game yang lain), jadi hospital nya ditinggalin dulu deh sementara. Sekarang lagi asik main games di FB. Dulu nggak main di FB karena sempet bosenn banget sama FB jadi sempet vakum gak pernah buka FB. Eh minggu-minggu terakhir baru ketahuan ternyata sekarang banyak games yg keren2 di FB euy! Dulu kan games nya masih yang katro gitu, pilihannya sedikit. Sekarang udah banyak games keluaran EA dan Zynga yang nangkring di FB. Oh tidaakkk, bisa-bisa begadang sampe pagi lagi nih main games yang gambarnya bagus dan super detail itu.

Di FB sekarang lagi fokus main City Ville (iya, i know, telat banget yak gue hehe) sama Sims Social. Tapi trus sepupu gue maksa2 ngajak gue main Smurfs n Co biar dia bisa naik level (huu dasar..), jadi akhirnya sekarang terpaksa main Smurfs juga deh, Trus nyobain Castle n Co (bapuk ah), sama The Pioneer Trail (so-so..).

Selain itu juga masih tetep main orang-orangan virtual alias Looklet hehe Dulu kan Looklet masih bapuk banget, susah banget mau save satu look aja. Sekarang masih susah sih save look nya tapi ya udah rada mending lah dibanding Looklet dulu yang statusnya masih Beta. Kalo untuk online fun emang dari dulu favorit ogut itu ada tiga: Polyvore, Looklet, sama Olioboard ^__^

Biasanya setelah tutup laptop masih lanjut nge-game lagi. Sebelum tidur, setelah bangun tidur, kalo nggak bisa tidur, kalo lagi di mobil, lagi nunggu antrian, disela-sela nonton tivi dan sambil makan juga biasanya tangan tetep aktif megang handphone sibuk main game. Kalo game di henpon mah jangan ditanya deh, banyak banget! Diantaranya ada Sims City, Tiny Tower, Monster Pet, Bakery Story, Emily Fashion, Fashion Mogul, iDress (semacam orang2an virtual juga), sama Home (dekor rumah), sama lagi mau nyobain Airport Terminal juga. Semuanya dimainin sekaligus hahaha Pokonya tangan ga pernah lepas dari iPhone. Tapi giliran kalo lagi sibuk atau banyak kerjaan ya tuh henpon bisa nggak disentuh sama sekali, bahkan bisa sampe 3 hari nggak update games, dan games nya biasanya langsung kalah/merugi karena kelamaan nggak diupdate ^o^

Yah gitu deh kalo yang namanya hobby main game. Bisa lupa makan, lupa mandi, lupa ngasi makan kucing. Untungnya hubby juga gamers, jadi gak ada protes :) Lah wong kita kerjanya sama2 sibuk update games mulu di henpon hehehe

Ah udah ah, sekian dulu ngobrolnya ya, ini soalnya City Ville ku udah menanti hehe ;P

Bye Bye,

Monday, September 19, 2011

Decor: Imaginative Kids Bedroom

Kids furniture always fascinates me. It somehow took me to my inner childhood fantasies. What's your childhood fantasy? Mine include a princess castle, some fairies, and a unicorn ;)

If only there were wide options on affordable cute kids furniture back then. Well I did have the privilege of having a bedroom with floral pink wallpaper, but that's about it. If only I were a kid of today I would likely browse colorful kids furniture that are now widely available on most furniture and home decor stores. If I had kids right now I would definitely spend hours and hours decorating their bedroom theme by theme ;)

My favorite kids bedroom theme is of course the all-pink princess-y themed girls bedroom. I even saw one photo of a bedroom with a bed of giant pink Cinderella's pumpkin carriage! And for boys' rooms I love pirates theme or jungle theme. Or maybe a F1 theme or trucks theme? Oh there are so many options to choose from..

The main part of the bedroom is always the bed. Kids beds always have the most wild imagination put to life. And then the rest of the decoration in the room will just follow. Oh how nice it is to be a kid in this modern time, you get to sleep inside a yellow truck! - LOL.

If you have kids, please put on something colorful or a theme that they like for their bedroom because I believe it will develop their imaginative skill and therefore build their creative skill even more. And that skill will come in handy once they're an adult. Because being creative is one of the skill you'll need to be able to survive. Am I right, or am I right? ;)

Monday, September 12, 2011


 I am on instagram and has been loving it since the first day I was introduced to it :)
Add me there if you want: yurikristia

Maybe I'll post some of my instagram pics with you today, here are some of them:

How was your weekend? I was glad I'm finally getting better with this never-ending flu virus. I'm not perfect fit yet but I'm heading there :)
Thank you so much for all of you who wishes me well, you are such great readers! :D