
Monday, September 19, 2011

Decor: Imaginative Kids Bedroom

Kids furniture always fascinates me. It somehow took me to my inner childhood fantasies. What's your childhood fantasy? Mine include a princess castle, some fairies, and a unicorn ;)

If only there were wide options on affordable cute kids furniture back then. Well I did have the privilege of having a bedroom with floral pink wallpaper, but that's about it. If only I were a kid of today I would likely browse colorful kids furniture that are now widely available on most furniture and home decor stores. If I had kids right now I would definitely spend hours and hours decorating their bedroom theme by theme ;)

My favorite kids bedroom theme is of course the all-pink princess-y themed girls bedroom. I even saw one photo of a bedroom with a bed of giant pink Cinderella's pumpkin carriage! And for boys' rooms I love pirates theme or jungle theme. Or maybe a F1 theme or trucks theme? Oh there are so many options to choose from..

The main part of the bedroom is always the bed. Kids beds always have the most wild imagination put to life. And then the rest of the decoration in the room will just follow. Oh how nice it is to be a kid in this modern time, you get to sleep inside a yellow truck! - LOL.

If you have kids, please put on something colorful or a theme that they like for their bedroom because I believe it will develop their imaginative skill and therefore build their creative skill even more. And that skill will come in handy once they're an adult. Because being creative is one of the skill you'll need to be able to survive. Am I right, or am I right? ;)


  1. sorry td kelupaan, boleh kindly reply to email sy di atau



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