
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

East Java (Surabaya, Madura, Malang) Trip : Part 3 - Jatim Park 2 Museum

Note: This is a photo loaded post.

Okay, after you've read the 1st and 2nd part, and then an extra 2nd part of my holiday trip on previous posts, here is the last post of my mini vacation series (part 3)

On Part 1 we went to Surabaya and Madura and headed out to Batu, Malang at night.
Part 2 is about the Jatim Park 2 where there's a hotel, a zoo, a giant ferris wheel, and a museum in one complex.
On Part 2 - Extra there are some extra highlights photos of the zoo trip.
And now on Part 3 I'm gonna tell you about the Museum. 
Sadly we didn't get to try the giant ferris wheel or else there will be Part 4 here - LOL. 
And the same as yesterday, I will do this post in 2 language version.


Kalau kalian baca post saya yang kemarin dan kemarinnya lagi, kalian pasti udah ngeh kalau Jatim Park 2 itu adalah entertainment complex yang isinya hotel pohon, kebun binatang modern, museum satwa modern, dan bianglala raksasa. Nah kemaren-kemaren kan udah ngebahas soal Kebun Binatang nya yang namanya Batu Secret Zoo, sekarang giliran ngebahas museumnya yang juga nggak kalah keren dan nggak kalah modern-nya!

Museum Satwa ini letaknya persis di sebelah hotel "Pohon Inn" tempat kami menginap, bentuk gedung museumnya aja udah khas banget, gedungnya mengambil bentuk gedung historikal jaman dulu, lengkap dengan pilar-pilar besar dan tinggi di bagian depannya. Agak-agak kaya di Yunani gitu deh :) Trus di sisi gedungnya ada patung gajah raksasa. Di sebelah satunya lagi ada bianglala raksasa. Walau baru ngeliat sekilas aja rasanya udah keliatan landscapenya megah banget.

If you read my post yesterday and the day before, you'd probably already know that Jatim Park 2 is an entertainment complex which include a tree hotel or "Pohon Inn" -where we stayed, a modern zoo, a modern widlife museum, and a giant ferris wheel. Well since I already talked about the zoo yesterday (which by the way named "Batu Secret Zoo"), now it's time to talk about the museum which is also as cool and as modern as the zoo!
The Wildlife Museum is located right next to the hotel, built in the form of a historical building, complete with large high pillars at the front. Then, on the side of the building there is a giant elephant statue. And on the other side is a giant ferris wheel. Even if you just saw a glimpse of it, you'll be awed by the magnificent feel of it.

Museum ini nggak seperti kebanyakan museum yang ada di Jakarta, yang walaupun sebenarnya isinya bagus dan edukatif tapi sayangnya kurang ditata dengan benar, plus lighting dan penempatan barangnya yang terkesan asal sehingga malah lebih sering bikin takut dan bikin males pengunjung daripada bikin pengen liat. Tapi hal kaya gitu nggak ada di Museum Satwa Jatim Park 2 ini. Museum ini nggak ada serem2nya, malah besar, megah, keren, dan bikin betah! Gimana nggak betah kalau di ruangan pertama nya aja kaya gini.. (see below pic)

The museum is not like most museums in Jakarta which although it actually has great exhibits and quite educative, but unfortunately not managed professionally. Plus the lighting and placement of things are mostly reckless so it scares potential visitors rather than makes them want to come and see. But that's not the case in this Jatim Park 2 Wildlife Museum. Here, the museum is not scary or dreary at all. It's large, stately, comfy, and very very awesome! How can you say it's not awesome when you see this on the first exhibition room at the lobby :
From left: My bro, my cousin from Surabaya, Mom, Dad, Me and hubs

Yep, just like a scene from the movie "The Night At The Museum"! 

Mirip banget kan sama museum Metropolitan yang ada di film "The Night At The Museum?"

Kalau aja di Jakarta ada museum sekeren ini saya yakin pasti banyak anak-anak yang merengek-rengek pengen dibawa kesini daripada ke mall, mending juga dibawa ke museum deh daripada ke Timezone (uhuk!)

There's nothing like this in Jakarta. If only there's a museum as amazing as this in Jakarta I bet all the kids would flock here instead of the malls and games centre like Timezones :(

We love dinosaurs! But only the ones that eat veggies, not the T-rex ;p
This is near the front entryway of the museum. There's a giant bird cage in the center (and an antique vespa in the wall!). I like to call this a bird's love nest hehe ;)

Benda-benda yang dipamerkan disini adalah replika hewan dari seluruh dunia. Kayanya sih sebagian ada yang replika, sebagian lagi dibuat dari hewan beneran yang diawetkan. Ukurannya sesuai ukuran aslinya. Yang unik adalah penempatan replika/patung hewan nya yang bener2 mirip museum Metropolitan di Amerika sana (nonton lagi deh film "The Night at The Museum" kalo udah lupa hehe). Jadi replika/patung hewannya itu ditaruh di dalam dinding kaca lebar yang pinggirnya diberi frame, jadi kaya lukisan hidup gitu. Saya sih nyebutnya "jendela kaca". Dan di tiap "jendela" ini desainnya beda-beda karena disesuaikan dengan hewan yang bersangkutan, sesuai dengan habitat asli mereka. Misalnya kambing gunung dengan desain background ala tepian bukit, antelope dengan desain bakcground ala padang afrika, gitu deh (liat foto di bawah). Keren banget deh pokonya. I love museum, especially if the museum is like this one :D

The objects on display here are replicas of animals from around the world. I think some of them are replicas, and some other are statues made from preserved real animals. The replica's size is based on the original size of the animal. The unique placement of replicas / statues really resemble the Met Museum in America (you can watch the movie "The Night at the Museum" again incase you forgot hehe). So the replica / statue of the animal was placed inside a wide glass wall with framed edges, it looks like real life paintings. I call it "glass window". And every "glass window" is designed to picture the animal's original habitat (see below pics). It was so very cool. I love museums, especially if the museum is like this one: D

This is what the inside of the museum looks like. All the animals replica/statue are inside the big windows on the left. Every "frame" include one or two animals, complete with the animal's original habitat as individual background. Really really picturesque!

Ada satu bagian pameran di museum ini yang saya lewatin cepat2, yaitu exhibit ini:
There's only one exhibition that I didn't want to browse in this museum, and that exhibit is this one:

Idih pameran serangga! Saya paling kesel, jijik bin takut sama yang namanya serangga alias bugs alias apalah itu yang item item kecil bersungut dan berkaki banyak / tipis-tipis, hiiiiiiyyyyyy..... ogah banget deh nengok exhibit ini lama-lama, ngeliat sekilas banyak binatang warna coklat gelap dan hitam kecil-kecil di dinding ini aja rasanya udah parno, ih gila banget deh! Kecoa dan sebangsanya, paling takut eykeee.. Saya kan phobia kecoa ;p

OMFG, the bugs exhibit! Ugh, I hate bugs, and I hate them so much. I don't like their sneaky little dark-colored  bodies with some kind of antennae or tiny little feet, hyuuucckkk.... just shoot me and drop me dead. Just a glimpse of that wall full of dark-colored critters and God knows what else, I'm outta there! I hate cockroaches and friends, I'm cockroachphobic ;p Even typing the word "cockroach" makes me giddy and .. ugh, blurgh, scary little thing..


Tapi yang bikin surprise adalah papa saya. Papa saya yang juga penyayang binatang fanatik ternyata berhenti paling lama di exhibit serangga ini. Beliau ngeliatin dengan seksama setiap dinding yang penuh serangga aneh-aneh itu, trus seperti terkagum-kagum dan menikmati mempelajari serangga yang segitu macam ragamnya. Saya malah baru tau kalo papa saya ternyata ada ketertarikan khusus sama serangga (kalo di film Naruto beliau pasti jadi si Aburame Shino hehe). Ternyata nggak menjamin kita kenal seseorang seutuhnya walaupun kenal dekat dan bahkan tinggal serumah selama bertahun-tahun ya, pasti ada hal-hal yang kita nggak tahu dan baru ketauan.

What surprise me is my dad who is also a frantic animal lover, he stopped at this bugs exhibit a lot longer than the rest of us. I saw him stopped by every wall, admiring the various scary little things and enjoying himself. I just found out this fact about him, that he actually has a strong interest with bugs and critters, ha! You never knew someone fully even if you live with them and known them for your entire life!

Well i did find something I like from the Bugs exhibit:
These are my mom's favorites. She adores the metallic shines that these butterflies has on their wings. Yes, these butterflies has shiny sparkly metallic colors on their wings which are sooo pretty in real life (well, i never seen them in real life, i just saw them on the exhibit's wall and they look so pretty like that ;p)
Oke deeeeh, udahan ngomongin exhibit serangga dan kawan2nya, mari pindah yuuk.
Okay let's move on from the Bugs exhibit now, shall we?

These are some highlights photos from the museum:
My brother and his new pet ;)
Wolf to Man: "Yo man, did you just spank me in the rear? how dare you! You just wait til daddy wolf hear this"
oh, just the 3 of us .. me, my husband, and my tiger.
Bear to Tree: "Hello Mama Bear, I finally found you, give me a hug.."
Fox to Bear: "Oh man! Here we go again ..."

Me and ma dad .. we both love red apparently :) and polar bears! I call them "Polly" :p
hubs being silly with the giraffes ..
And my fave photos from the museum:
I think this one is a leopard not a cheetah, they do look very similar though, what differs them are the spots.(walaupun mirip tapi leopard sama cheetah beda loh, bintik-bintik hitamnya itu beda bentuknya antara cheetah sama leopard).
And since I'm a Leo (lion) in zodiac so here's a Lion for you! :D

Entah kenapa ya, setelah melihat aslinya dari dekat, diantara semua keluarga singa / harimau / cheetah / leopard / panthera dll itu nggak tau kenapa menurut saya yang paling serem penampakannya itu Singa. Kalo harimau cenderung lucu karena mukanya mirip kucing banget, kelakuannya juga mirip kucing banget. Sementara kalo leopard/cheetah dan sebangsanya juga masih mirip kucing dan karena motif tutul2nya bagus jadi malah keliatan ganteng, nah kalo singa tuh ga tau kenapa dari perawakannya aja udah serem, apalagi singa jantan yang pake surai-surai panjang di sekeliling mukanya itu. Udah gitu dia kan ngga banyak bergerak, cuma duduk diam di singgasana, ngeri loh bawaannya, emang pantes banget deh kalo julukan si Raja Hutan tuh diperuntukkan buat dia. (kecuali kalo singa nya kaya bapaknya Simba di The Lion King ya, itu mah lucu hehe).

Dan berakhirlah liburan kami di Jawa Timur. Sebenarnya kami masih nginep satu hari lagi sih di Malang tapi kegiatannya cuma temu keluarga sama jalan-jalan keliling kota aja, lagian kalo ikut diceritain juga disini nanti post nya nambah lagi jadi 5 part haha So anyway, ini foto landasan dari bandara di Malang, katanya sih bandara aslinya lagi di renov atau mau dibikin baru atau apa gitu saya lupa, jadi kita berangkat pulang ke Jakarta dari bandara semi darurat gitu, kaya bandara nya AURI gitu loh. *penting bgt yak?!*

Yah pokonya kita semua Alhamdulillah have fun dan dapet banyak pengalaman serta pengetahuan baru. Yang belum pernah ke Jatim Park 2 saya saranin mending liburan keluarga kesana deh, apalagi kalo emang seneng binatang, pasti bahagia banget disana hehe

So, sampai jumpa di cerita liburan berikutnya ya! :D

And so we ended our vacation in East Java.. Actually we stayed for another night in Malang city but our activitites was just visiting families and exploring the city a little bit, and if I had to tell you all about it then there would be "Part 5" hahaha.. So anyway, this photo is from the airport runway in Malang.

All in all, i thank my God for all the fun and quality time that me and my family have been enjoying, and we also gain new knowledge and experiences. For those of you who had never been to Jatim Park 2 in East Java you better go visit it for your next family vacation, especially if you're an animal lovers, I highly recommend it hehe

See you at the next holiday story! : D


PS: Feel free to email me if you want to ask something ;)

Click here for My Holiday Trip - Part 1
Click here for My Holiday Trip - Part 2
Click here for My Holiday Trip - Part 2 (Cont..)
Click here for My Holiday Trip - Part 2 Extra

Credits: All photos on this holiday trip series are taken either by me, hubby, or my brother.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

East Java (Surabaya, Madura, Malang) Trip : Part 2 - Highlights / Batu Secret Zoo

And more highlight photos from the Zoo (see previous post):

I'm a bird. I'm a big bird. I can't fly. But I can kick you in the back.


Isn't he a little spooky? kaya jenglot ga siy?hiii...

That's not our family member, thank God ;)

Duck Edition:
I know I can fly
Okay, watch me, I'm about to fly now.
See? I'm flying.. Am i flying?
I'm flying !
I can't fly. Dammit!

Camel Edition:


Click here for My Holiday Trip - Part 1
Click here for My Holiday Trip - Part 2
Click here for My Holiday Trip - Part2 (Continued)

Credits: All photos on this holiday trip series are taken either by me, hubby, or my brother.

Friday, March 25, 2011

East Java (Surabaya, Madura, Malang) Trip : Part 2 / Continued - Batu Secret Zoo

Note: This is a photo loaded post.

(This is a continual post.. Please see previous post first..) 

Ke kebun binatang kalo nggak foto sama binatang nya ya nggak seru toh? hehe..
If you go to the zoo without taking any photo of you WITH the animals, then it's a waste.. hehe
I know that's not a happy smile, honey.. That's a frightened smile ;) smooches!
My brother. It's his first time holding a snake.
We know you're worried and a little bit scared. You can't fool face expression hehe
Hey why are you smiling now? don't you notice where the snake's head is ??? You should be worried when you CAN'T see the snake's head! the snake's head might creep up inside your sleeves, bro!
I know you're still frightened, honey.. ;)
I love being photographed with any kinds of animals. I already have 2 photos of me with snakes on my album so this is the 3rd time. I had bigger snakes put around my head in Bali. It was huge and heavy, i tell ya!

The snake's skin pattern looks good for a scarf around my neck, don't you think?

This is the cage behind us when we took our snake photos. Sleepy kangaroos.
These are actually Tree Kangaroo so it's smaller than the common kangaroos.

Another zone :
(this zone is inside a building so there are lots of night animals here since it's dark inside)
(and they're all mostly sleeping because they are night animals which means they are active at night and sleeps during the day)
Polkadot mantarays! Reminds me of a polkadot skirt I have ;p

Wild Animals:
This one is a very playful tiger. He is munching on a piece of wood/tree branch here.
Reminds me of my cat so much...

The cage of Blackey's ancestor hahaha

Blackey is one of my cat, he is a black cat. He is all black with a strike of white on his chest and belly. Blackey looks so much like a panther / black jaguar. So i consider this panther as Blackey's ancestor -LOL

Mmm...excuse me Mr.Panther.. hello?
Oh you're awake! We're sorry we woke you up, we had a message from Blackey, he says he needs your photo for his family tree album.
K'thx bye.
(He is pretty scary)
 And this is the rest area. We can sit right beside a pond full of flamingos and little birds.
These flamingos are peachy orange in color.

Looks like the baby elephant is happy when I gave him carrots, he smiles happily :)

Pindah ke zona lain ada koridor yang panjang dan lebar dimana kita bisa melihat binatang gurun seperti zebra, elks, dll yang wara wiri dengan bebasnya di kedua sisi koridor. Seperti biasa, nggak ada dinding di koridor, hanya dinding kaca tebal yang membuat kita bisa bebas nontonin binatang.

Moving to another zone there's a long wide corridor where we could see savannah animals such as zebras, elks, etc running around freely on both sides of the corridors. There's no wall in the corridors, only thick wall glasses, so we can watch the animals freely.

koridor dengan dinding kaca di kiri dan kanan, bisa lihat binatang sambil duduk-duduk.

Setelah area istirahat ada area anak-anak seperti kolam renang, ada juga penyewaan kuda dengan rute mengelilingi penangkaran kuda nil dan buaya, ada pula sangkar burung yang besar banget dimana kita bisa masuk ke dalam dan ngasi makan burung dari tangan kita, jadi kita yang disamperin burung-burung, pasti bagus tuh buat difoto, sayangnya nggak tau kenapa biasanya burung sama saya suka nggak akur. Jadi terpaksa saya skip yang ini deh.

There's a kids activities area such as fun pool right after the resting area. There's also a horse ride that goes through hippos and crocs farm, a giant bird cage where we could go inside and fed the birds from our hands, and all the birds will flock to us. It sounds very exciting but birds and me usually don't go along really well so I skipped that.

Kami lalu memasuki Safari Farm yang ternyata jadi atraksi paling favorit buat kami! Jadi di Safari Farm itu kita naik semacam bis/kereta api terbuka di mana kita bisa ngasi makan langsung ke mulut hewan-hewan! Kereta api / bis akan berhenti sebentar di tengah kandang besar (ada 3 kandang), trus hewan-hewan pada lari-lari nyamperin kita buat minta makan, lucu banget. Ngasi makannya juga langsung ke mulut mereka jadi kita bisa sambil ngelus-ngelus kepalanya. Ah, ini benar2 yang paling mengesankan buat saya. Makanan untuk hewan bisa dibeli di pintu masuk. Dan disediakan wastafel di dekat pintu keluar jadi kita bisa langsung cuci tangan setelah menyentuh dan memberi makan binatang.

We entered the Safari Farm which turns out to be our most favorite attraction in the Zoo! In Safari Farm we ride an open train/bus in which we can feed the animals from it! The train/bus will stop for a while so the animals can come to us and we can feed them straightly to their mouth. This is such great experience for us. Food are available for purchase at the entrance. And a sink is provided near the exit so we can wash our hands after touching and feeding the animals.


Dan rute terakhir adalah Tiger Show. Dari namanya udah ketauan kalau yg ini khusus harimau, ada harimau albino segala lho. Kandangnya gedeee bangett. Dan seperti biasa, dindingnya dari kaca segede gaban jadi kita bisa nontonin si harimau lagi ngapain aja di kandang gede mereka. Sedikit menakutkan...tapi gagah gimanaaa gitu. Sedikit sedih ketika saya membaca di salah satu papan info disitu bahwa ternyata orang masih memburu mereka untuk dibunuh, sedih banget baca dan liat foto harimau nya disiksa atau cuma dipotong apanya gitu, hancur hati gue.

And the last leg of the zoo route is the Tiger Show. This is specially for tigers, they even has albino tigers there. Their cages are huuuggee, so they can roam freely in there and we can watch it's every move from the giant big glass wall that separate us from them. A bit eerie.. but magnificent. A bit sad when I read that people still hunts for them to be killed, there's a board with sad killing stories on the wall, my heart wrecked when I read it.

Indian tigress, love it's cage
Sumatran Tiger (it's resting in the terrace of the traditional house replica, can you spot it?)
We can walk right beneath the lion's cage and see them from below.
And on the other cage, we can stand above the albino tiger's cage. The observation deck has bottom glass so we can see them right beneath our feet!

Oh, and here's the highlight 
of my day in the zoo:

Pfiuh, panjang amat yak post nya, kayanya ini posting terpanjang yang pernah saya publish di blog deh. Maaf ya kalo ngabisin kuota atau kalo komputer-mu jadi lemot gara-gara buka post ini. Oh tapi ini belum berakhir, saya belum cerita tentang museum! Saya musti ngasitau betapa kerennya itu museum! Tapi next post aja ya (ya iyalah), ini aja yang tadinya mau di split jadi 2 post malah sekarang jadi 3 post hahaha Mudah-mudahan ga bosen bacanya yah..

Pfiuh, that's a very long post. This is probably the longest post I've ever published in this blog. Sorry if it took a lot of your quota or if  it makes your computer runs slow. I still have another post about the museum! I gotta tell you about how great the museum is! But I'll save it for next post, ok? I was gonna make this holiday post into 2 posts but turns out that I'm gonna need 3 posts instead, ha! Hope you're not so bored with it..

Click here for My Holiday Trip - Part 1
Click here for My Holiday Trip - Part 2 (Previous post)

The Hotel, The Zoo, and The Museum, plus the giant ferris wheel is all part of Jatim Park 2 complex. Click here to go to the website. 

Credits: All photos on this holiday trip series are taken either by me, hubby, or my brother.