
Monday, February 10, 2014

Snacks Of The Week !

I love to try anything new, including new food and of course new snacks or drinks. This week's favorite is this new snack I've been trying on which is called "Cake O" from Khong Guan. I'm not sure if there are other variants of this Cake O but I got the Black variant which is a chocolate biscuit with chocolate cream filling.

You can get this in the supermarket as I got mine in Carrefour. Khong Guan always make yummy biscuits and this one surely doesn't disappoints. As a chocolate lover this biscuit got a praise from me because they are delicious and yummy for my tummy ;p

I forgot how many biscuits are there inside the packet because I munched on them immediately without stopping (;p) so I forgot to count how many were there in the packet. But inside this packet the biscuit were wrapped individually as you'll see in the photo below:

It says "K" in the middle of the biscuit so hubby K was very excited with them ;) Anyway, the chocolate biscuit is good and the chocolate cream filling is also very nice. Overall this is a very nice snack and I would definitely buy loads of these again ;)

I don't recall the exact price but this was pretty cheap and affordable. I'm not sure about the availability but I got this in the bigger Carrefour supermarket.

I usually would only feature my favorite snacks or drinks here but this time I want to give a mini review on this Indocafe White instant coffee too. As you know, I am an avid coffee drinker (but not for black coffee, only the milky/creamed coffee ones). I also love to try new instant coffee that I haven't tried before, and this Indocafe White is one of them.

I won't go into much details here but all I know is that I don't like it. It's a white coffee with no sugar added (so you'll have to add sugar if you like it sweet). It may be great for others, but for me it is quite weak for my taste, and the texture is also quite light and not "thick" enough for a white coffee. So I won't be repurchasing this in the future (although some of you might like it) ^o^

See you on my next  post!

1 comment:

  1. i love indocafe white coffe,, everyday i drink it twice,,^^


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