
Friday, January 24, 2014

Snacks of The Week !

I love trying out new things, from trying out new restaurants, new places, new beauty products, and also trying out different snacks / beverages that are available on the supermarket racks. If you see my monthly grocery store bags you would find various snacks inside it ;p

So I decided to make a new blog series which is the "Snacks of The Week" - which would feature my current favorite snacks, or snacks that I currently eat and loved. 

To kick-start the series, here I'm featuring some snacks that I bought a while ago. These feature two favorite snacks and one vintage candy ;p

I love marshmallows and when I found these two super cute marshmallows on Total Fruit Market I immediately put them in my cart. They were already certified as "Halal" food too ;)

I got the Fluffy Jelly Marshmallows which is a sweetly pastel colored twirled marshmallows which tastes as sweet as the appearance. Love this! The other one I got is the Teddy Marshmallows which has a shape of a super cute teddy bears! How can you resist it? ;p

I already ate almost all of the teddy marshmallows before I took this photo, so that's why I only feature the close-up photo of the Fluffy Jelly ones ;p I also like to put the teddy marshmallows which has chocolate-y taste into my hot chocolate drink.

Last but not least, I would like to feature this vintage hard candy which I found in a store that sells vintage snacks. It's the cigarette hard candy from the old times! If you're a 90s kid who lives in Indonesia, you will remember these cigarette candies (and also cigarette chocolates) back in the heydays. I don't really fancy the cigarette candies (I always prefer chocolates than candies ;p) but I still bought this for nostalgic purpose only ^o^

This is actually just a regular mint hard candy (which translated to "permen keras"), in a shape of Indonesian local cigarette brand. I originally didn't want to consume this candy because I just want it to be part of a decorative items, but then I thought it's bad to not consume it because then you are wasting away food, so I finally caved in and gave this to hubby K to be consumed.

What are your current favorite snacks? Do let me know..

Adios Chicas!

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