
Friday, February 15, 2013

App of The Week: Set The Mood with GAZE

It's rainy season here in Indonesia and I just did a "Wet Seasons Essentials" on my fashion/beauty blog: TWO THOUSAND THINGS a couple of days ago. You can read what's my beauty essentials for the wet seasons here.

I also wanted to add something that I usually do while staying in my room when it's raining all day outside. I always enjoy the rain (unless it's a storm or scary big rain), I love to see the rain falling softly on the branches of trees outside the window, and how the rain splashes teeny tiny water spots on the window. I also love the cool temperature it brings, it's just feels relaxing somehow.

To bring out the relaxing mood even more, I would usually set the mood by making a hot cup of tea or coffee, watching movies while snuggling underneath the blanket, or just reading a book or read some magazines while enjoying the relaxing sound of the falling rain outside. I would also usually put on some candles to help set out the mood even more...

I usually light these candles on my bedside table!

Yes, candles!
How soothing, right? They are somehow very relaxing too, especially if they are scented candles infused with relaxing aromatherapy scents. But unfortunately scented candles are not very common here in my country, so they are usually very expensive. That's a pity because I myself love scented candles :(

But anyway, if you think that I have many candles as the picture you see above, then you're totally wrong! 


I actually only have one big candle in my bedroom ;p The rest of the candles above are just "illusion candles" that I get with the help of this amazing iPad app called "Gaze"  ^o^

Did I fool you? LOL...

I love this app, because it help gives you the right atmosphere that you want. Well, I guess this app would only work if you have big imagination, or if you believe in "creating atmosphere", because hubby K didn't seems to understand the purpose of this app  >__<

Oh well....

So anyway, this has been one of my fave app. It's free to download, and with this app you could feel like you're in a room at a resort because if you close your eyes you'd hear those birds chirping outside your window. Or you'll hear that waterfall running in the background. Or you could also feels like you're in the middle of winter or feels like you just turned on the fireplace ;p

There are similar apps like this one, and you could choose many backgrounds with real moving images and real sounds. Some of them are in-app purchases but a few of them are free. My favorites from the "free sections" are the candles and the fireplace background. The fireplace sounds like the real thing!

The crackling sounds of the fireplace are very similar to the real ones, and all of the pictures in this app are not a still picture, so the flames on the candles above really moves as if it was blown by wind. And the fire and flames on the fireplace really moves as if it's a real one.

If you have an iPad and love this kind of thing then check this app out because I think the illusion will work better in those big screen. I personally don't think the illusion would work out as well on the iPad mini.

Enjoy the app!

The Ylang Ylang Candle is courtesy of Tree Harvest via Raw Gaia, I reviewed it here.


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