
Monday, August 8, 2011

Travel Wish List: The Ranch!

I love ranches! Well basically I love everything with animals or wild life near by ;p
And I love horses, and vast green fields, and far away hills blooming with flowers and tall trees. I love the rustic cottages, the wooden fences, the ranch animals, the barn, everything!

And here is one ranch that I want wish to visit someday and spent some peaceful days (or weeks!) there:

The Ranch at Rock Creek - Philipsburg, Montana, USA

This is a luxury guest ranch set among 10 square miles of rugged Montana ranch land. Trail rides among wildflower meadows, fishing by the nearby Rock creek, exploring the rural landscape that surrounds the area, or just laid back and enjoy some light reading in the terrace of your rural lodge, sipping some drinks in the fun lounge/bar area of the resort with the cute saddle stools and rustic interiors, there are just enough activities to enjoy here. I myself love the view and the well-decorated lodges/guest houses. Just check out these lodges:

And the tents style:
 The lounge/bar area:
 (the stools!)
 The restaurant:

Perfect rustic life style!
I want this!

To see all of my "Travel / Hotel Wish List" posts, you can click here and just keep scrolling down once you're there to see the rest of the posts.

See you on my next dreamy Travel Wish List!

*All photos are via Luxury Travel Magazine, click here to read more details on The Ranch.

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