
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Easy Recipes To Try

One of my favorite website to look for food / cooking ideas is The Pioneer Woman. Bree Drummond, the owner of the website a.k.a The Pioneer Woman has a very interesting website. I love the way she writes and jokes, and I love her website layout too, very woman-friendly ^o^ And the number one reason why I love to browse her website for cooking ideas is because she has a page of recipes where she included detailed step-by-step photos of the cooking process in every recipes!!

She made it really easy to follow her recipes. She wrote the recipe detail very clearly and the step-by-step pictures are really useful for beginner cook like me. And for that, Bree.. We love you! ^o^

Her website also covers Photography which is her other hobby beside cooking. She offers photography techniques that you can read on her Photography page. She also writes about her family and her domestic life in the ranch. Her website is so full of stories, you'll love it And you'll love her too!

I compiled three easy peasy simple recipes that I want to try for my cooking project:

   Fresh Corn Casserole
Fatty's Grandma Cheez Egg

If you have other food/cooking blogs that you love and you'd like to share, please tell us in the comment box. I would love to visit them too :D

Have a great week, everyone!


  1. kayaknya enak tuh, tp aku ga bisa masak. Masak air aja gosong :(

  2. Hyaa Mila, masa sih masak air gosong hehehe
    Kalo ngikutin resep gampil kok Mil, tinggal nyontek doang hehe Walaupun belum tentu rasanya terjamin enak juga hahaha


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