
Monday, January 3, 2011

First Post! (Bandung Quick Trip)

We're now entering the year 2011 :)
First of all, I know most of you were probably busy spending your holidays and all, so maybe you all don't have much time to browse internet and participate in giveaways ,therefore hereby I announced that I will be extending the EZ Sox giveaway! Now you have until 10 January to enter the giveaway, click here to enter it now!

Okay, second of all.. I just want to upload some unpublished posts from December. It's about my last trip of 2010. I haven't been gone far during 2010, only to nearby cities such as Bandung, Garut, Puncak, Anyer, Bogor, and.. that's all i could remember right now ;)

One of my 2011 resolution is to be able to get away to more cities and going abroad again, I've been dying to go to USS (Universal Studio Singapore) and Australia. This plans didn't work out on 2010 so I really hope me & hubs can execute the plans some time in 2011 ;)

So anyway, here's a short story of my last travel in 2010..
Me and hubby's family went to Bandung again around 2 weeks ago for a mini getaway. Bandung is only 2 hours drive from Jakarta and it's a mountainous area so it has colder climate than Jakarta. It's nice to go somewhere that has different atmosphere from our busy city.. Day 1 we had dinner at Tizi's, a famous oldie but goodie restaurant, we had bratwurst and oven baked chicken. I used to go to this restaurant when I was still in college, well not very often because the price was a little bit too expensive for college students haha but it's a nice restaurant for a date ;)

Day 2 we went to have lunch at another famous oldie but goodie restaurant, it's a noodle restaurant called "Mie Linggarjati". Aside from the chicken "yamin" noodle menu, the restaurant is also famous for it's avocado juice. The avocado juice is really different from other restaurant, it's nothing like i've ever tasted before, so it's really recommended :)

We went to factory outlets after lunch but we didn't buy anything because the place was so crowded and the prices are actually the same as in the malls so we had our doubts.. But overall, we had a great time (as always.. :D)

Oh there's one thing that i forgot to tell you, we were supposed to be traveling to Belitung on early January but something came up and the plan didn't work out for us (sob..), but we had other subtitute plans to travel to Malang, Surabaya and Madura by early February. So let's hope that one will work out successfully :D


  1. hello lovely,

    thank you for your comment!
    Will add this one to my blogroll...

  2. Hello! Congrats on your first post on this year!!! And I wish you to perform your New Year resolution - travel a lot and to make many discoveries!!!


  3. Happy New year!

    First post.. what's next?

    Have an exciting and blessed year ahead! :)

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  5. thanks for sharing your 2010 unpublished getaway! me and my family have been to uss for our Christmas vacation. all i can say is that it's been really great! the rides are so much fun. every body ache (due to walking heheheh) is all worth it :)

  6. I'd love to try that avocado juice!


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