
Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Dari jaman internet baru mulai booming disini gue udah suka website-browsing. Yang di browsing ya macem2, dari site A sampe site Z. Kalo yg menarik gue apalin dan gue catet di buku kecil ^^ Nah salah satu dari yg gw catet itu adalah site ini:

Sebenarnya ini site udah ada di catetan gue sejak 2 atau 3 tahun lalu tp gw ga pernah bosen untuk terus liat2 ksini krn emang banyak bgt brg2 lucu di site-nya. Karena gue suka bgt sama barang lucu dan unik yg "ga biasa" jadi gw betah bgt lama2 nangkring di site ini ^o^ Berikut adalah bbrp brg favorit gue di shanalogic:


Ebi Nigiri, Salmon Nigiri, California Roll Slice, Tuna Nigiri

Show your love for sushi and your sense of humour with these great big fluffy pillows!
They make awesome decor and are the coolest pillows around!
Love these ! Love these ! Love these !
My favourite items ever di Shanalogic ^o^


Hip and HOT !
Let these sexy towels decorate your bathroom.
I love the awesome embroidered image of
a sassy pinup girlie posing on it--SO retro looking! Another one of my fave !


One Cool Watch !
With a nod to the era of 8-bit computer graphics,
the face of this watch is shaped like a computer icon. I also love the gothic feel to it !


They also have lots of cute n fun earrings like the EGG&TOAST above.
Among their unique earrings collections are: Donuts earrings,
colorful candy earrings, cassette earrings, sushi earrings, and many more...

Lucu2 bgt kan barangnya?hhh..seandainya ongkos kirim dr sana ke indo ga mahal dan seandainya dollar nilainya ga semahal skrg gw pasti udh ngeborong brg2nya shanalogic dr kapan tauk huhuhu...
Well, kalo masih penasaran ceki2 aja ke site shanalogic-nya. Rencananya seminggu sekali (dg catatan:kalo sempet hehe) gw bakal review satu website hasil site-walker gue yg gw suka ^o^ mumpung Speedy lg ngadain promo gretongan tiap jam kalong jadi gw bisa bebas web-browsing lagi deh ^___^


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