
Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Tea Collection - 1st Edition

Saya terbiasa minum teh sedari kecil karena nenek saya dulu setiap hari selalu minum teh dan selalu bikin satu teko besar teh di meja makan. Pake teko jadul yang warna hijau muda itu loh.. :)

Dan berhubung saya memang orangnya senang coba-coba hal baru jadi saya juga senang mencoba berbagai macam rasa dan varian teh. Saya bukan tea expert sih jadi informasi berikut ini hanya berdasarkan pengetahuan saya semata saja hehe Untuk yang belum tau, teh itu terdiri dari beberapa jenis berdasarkan proses oksidasi nya, misalnya green tea, black tea, white tea, dan red tea. Selain itu juga ada beberapa macam varian teh yang merupakan campuran teh dengan flavour lain; seperti misalnya jasmine tea, earl grey tea, english breakfast tea, dll.

Contoh : 
- Earl Grey Tea -> merupakan tea blend yang terbuat dari black tea yang dicampur / ditambahkan bergamot oil.
- Jasmine Tea -> merupakan tea blend yang terbuat dari black tea yang ditambahkan aroma / ekstrak bunga melati yang segar.

Ini hasilnya waktu saya kemarin ngerapiin lemari penyimpanan di dapur. Isinya banyak banget teh dan kopi-kopian berbagai macam varian dan rasa hehehe Ternyata saya menyimpan stok teh sebanyak ini, jadi bingung kapan habisnya nih? (^o^). Belum lagi stok varian kopi yang nggak kalah banyaknya (nanti dibahas di lain post kalau sempat yah).

Maklum, seperti saya bilang tadi, saya hobby nya coba-cobain sesuatu yang baru, termasuk dalam hal makanan dan minuman. Lagipula saya termasuk yang bosenan orangnya (;p) Jadi saya senang kalau punya pilihan: misal sore ini mau minum Mango Tea, trus kalau lagi flu minum Lemon Tea, kalau malam nggak bisa tidur minum camomile tea.

Nah ini berhubung lagi dikeluarin semua saya mau bikin list aja ah sekalian review singkat nya :
  1. Mango Tea - A favorite of mine ! I found this at the supermarket at Citos. I think it's segmented for imported goods but I found this very lovely indeed.
  2. Mustika Ratu Sleepwell Tea - Sadly this didn't work for me. Nggak tau kenapa saya kurang cocok sama teh yang khusus untuk masalah sulit tidur. Belom pernah nemu yang cocok.
  3. Kepala Djenggot Lemon Tea - I like lemon tea but this one is not the best I've tried (although this one is pretty good too).
  4. Marks & Spencer Calming Infusion Tea - This is meant for calming and relaxing before sleep and as usual I don't get along well with teas that are meant for easy sleeping. Maybe it's the camomile in it?
  5. Marks & Spencer Cranberry Elderflower Infusion Tea - This is the first M&S tea that I've tried and it smells wonderful, tastes lovely, and has smooth texture too.
  6. Kepala Djenggot Blackcurrant Tea - Blackcurrant is one of my favorite tea blend, and this one is good and smooth with a sweet aroma.
  7. Lipton English Breakfast Tea - I'm not particularly fond of Lipton Teas, and I'm more of an "earl grey" tea-person than "english breakfast". This one is okay I guess, although I've tasted better ones.
  8. Kepala Djenggot Green Tea (Teh Hijau) - A very nice green tea. Great for stomach ache!
  9. Twinings Green Teas Collection - A lovely set of green tea variants from Twinings. Will do a separate review on this pack a.s.a.p.
  10. Lipton Caramel Tea - Not bad but not so good either.
  11. Kepala Djenggot Jasmine Tea (Teh Melati) - A smooth and very nice black tea.
  12. Dilmah Fruit Variety Pack - Includes assorted fruit infusion teas. Lovely and will do a separate review on this too.
  13. Lipton Camomile Infusion Tea - I have a 'love n hate' relationship with Camomile Tea. Most of the time I don't get along well with them. It's hard to find a camomile tea that suits my taste buds - and they all seems to make my stomach angry (>_<).
  14. Teh Cap Naga - My mom always buy packs of these teas from Malang. This is the only loose tea I have right now. It is a favorite in my parents house and it has become my favorite too (if only it's not too fussy to make because it's loose tea).
  15. Sosro Green Tea - I love Sosro teas, I found them suits my preference. Including this green tea version of Sosro tea.
  16. Sosro Jasmine Tea - Another favorite of mine, this reminds me of teh botol sosro (maybe because it is ;p).
  17. Sosro Black Tea - Actually this one is really nice. Reminds me of the classic Javanese tea that my grandma used to drink.

I know I will keep adding new teas to my collection in the future so I will update my collection in this blog seiring berjalannya waktu hehe Dan pengennya sih di review kalau ada waktu yah huhuhu In the mean time, please let me know kalau kalian ada suggestion teh enak yang harus saya coba yah :)

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Coffee Review : Nescafe Green Coffee Blend

I saw this "recently-launched" coffee on the supermarket rack a few months ago. I was very tempted to try it out but I was pregnant at that time so I can't drink coffee ( I was reducing my coffee intake when I was pregnant ) so I didn't buy it although I really wanted to.

But then I had a miscarriage ( it was a sad story saved for another post ) and just yesterday I saw this coffee again at the supermarket when we were grocery shopping. I grabbed it with no hesitant because now I can finally try it out.

I always love trying new things including new coffees and teas in the market that I haven't tried before. This particular coffee had my eyes since the first time I saw it. I was intrigued by the "green blend" part which means that this coffee is made from a combination blend of unroasted "green " coffee beans and regular roasted beans.

So there are both roasted and unroasted coffee beans in this blend, which is very unique. The green coffee beans are a natural source of antioxidant polyphenols. It is mixed with Nescafe's signature Robusta roasted beans to create this special "green blend" coffee.

If you're wondering, the green blend version has similar level of caffeine as the regular instant coffee. So it's not too strong nor it is too weak (at least according to me).

What I first noticed was the sweet smelling blend when I opened the sachet and poured the processed beans into my cup. The scent was of a lovely sweet smelling coffee, but once I poured hot water into the cup I noticed that the scent was not as strong anymore.

As for the taste, it's not as sweet as the scent so it still has a hint of bitterness somewhere in it. I actually like it very much. It's also slightly less thick than the regular nescafe instant coffee. It has smooth texture and a perfect combination of both roasted and unroasted coffee beans.

This has been a favorite in my house and I will definitely buy this again.

Click Here to see my previous coffee review!

Coffeeholic Unite !