
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Apt Project: Ideas for bathroom and dining table

Me and K has been browsing home decor and furniture stores lately, we love browsing Ace Hardware and Index Furnishings and Informa (katanya Index sama Informa sama aja, yang gw liat emang items-nya rata2 sama). I'm afraid I'm gonna be cheating clothes for furnitures, haha!
Bye bye pretty shoes, Hello dinner set ;p

Anyway, we found a few ideas for our apartment project from Ace Hardware and Informa when we visited them in Gandaria City a few weeks ago:

We haven't decided on where we would put the dinner table, kitchen and living area in those tiny small spaces in our future apt, but we do know that we have to find a small dining table set and maybe a small sofabed in the living room so we can watch dvd with comfort >>> Well, we still haven't decided on the sofa bed yet because I found it a bit heavy to lift up and it's a bit of a hassle for me if I have to lift it up and down all by myself when hubby went to work.

So anyway, we found a cute (and small) dining table set in Informa with a cheap price tag of only IDR 300 ribuan, can you believe that?
A dining table set (with 2 chairs) cuma seharga 300 ribuan? Biasanya kan mahal banget yang namanya dinner table set, bukan?! So this one is definitely on our list. The dining table set is very similar with the one below:

The table is made of wood and stainless steel, it comes with 2 chairs and the table itself is fold-able! There are racks underneath the table for extra storage but the one I saw in Informa have less racks if I'm not mistaken.
Jadi mejanya itu meja lipat, kalau cuma perlu space kecil (misal buat breakfast) bisa dijadiin meja kecil, sementara kalau buat makan malam atau kalau ada tamu mejanya bisa dibuka jadi lebih lebar sehingga bisa muat banyak tempat untuk naro makanan ;)

  • small yet adequate (perfect size)
  • fold-able table
  • already comes with 2 chairs
  • wooden surface (which I love)

  •  It only comes with 2 chairs (will have to buy new chairs and it's not easy to find similar ones)
  • Not really fond of the racks underneath the table
  • the chairs looks a bit uncomfortable (because I'm a slow eater so I spend longer time in dining table therefore the chair must at least be comfy enough for longer sitting)

The second idea we got from Informa is an idea for the bathroom wall. I spotted these ceramic tile stickers in one of the racks in the decor area in Informa. And I thought it's a brilliant idea!
With these tile stickers we don't have to spend a lot of money in re-decorating our bathroom  tiles. You see, our future apartment is supposedly comes with ugly white bathroom tiles. We hated it, it looks cheap and I'm sure will look dirty as soon as we use the bathroom, so we're planning to change the tiles with new ones in (maybe) blue. But changing the whole tiles of the bathroom is gonna be really costly so these tile stickers might be the answer to our bathroom tiles problem. It would be much cheaper than changing the whole tiles. All we have to do is put the stickers on the tiles directly.
Well maybe we would not cover all the tiles of the bathroom wall (because it would be too much work), maybe we'll put the stickers in certain spots in the wall just like below examples -- Oh but we still need to change the floor tiles from white to dark color, probably dark blue.
Above are some samples of the tile stickers. We could just put it on a few of strategic places on the wall to create some view.
And when I browse the internet for some tile stickers, I found this:
How gorgeous would they be in the kitchen?? I love them! I always wanted to have a country style / shabby chic kitchen so these sticker motifs are perfect! Hmm...but there's no way I would make a country style kitchen in our future apt because there's no space! We would only have a really small space (maybe only one counter!) for kitchen area in our apt. So this country kitchen idea would have to wait until we bought a house (hopefully in the near future, Amien).

While we're talking about the bathroom, one of the must-have item in my list for our future apt is the rainmaker shower head for the bathroom!

I'm calling it "rainmaker" shower head because I wanted to achieve that "shower in the rain" feeling, I love the idea of showering with a big shower head. Big shower head means more water dots on the head, which means more water falling on your head, it would feel just like rain, especially when the shower head is right above your head with the help of extra long pipe like this:

We saw some big huge shower heads in Ace Hardware (the price is ranging from IDR 100 ribuan and up). But that's the price for the shower head only. The extra pipes, etc is unknown (must ask this to my dad). One of the shower head we found on Ace Harwares is this one below (sorry i forgot the exact price):

After browsing some big shower heads in the internet, I must say  that the ultimate rainmaker shower head must be this one below:
 The multi-function shower head from Fornara-Maulini.
Ultimate Bliss!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


It's time for some food porn!
I just recovered from a bad flu so right now my appetite is quite big, I feel like I want to eat all the good food there is to gain back my weight that I lost during my flu moment. Sometimes I even think about food in my head during the day hahaha..
One of my newest found on the internet is Ree Drummond's website, The Pioneer Woman. I LOVE her website. She's funny and her website is very interactive, and she got this step-by-step recipe complete with pictures that makes it easy for us newbie cook to try and give it a test. She also has lots of other things to talk about beside food, you'll love her sense of humor ;)

Out of imagination I put up a one day menu for myself, a healthy and yummy food menu for me which I got from browsing The Pioneer Woman and it's cooking community blog, the Tasty Kitchen. Oh and plus a recipe from Martha Stewart too. 

Chicken Salad with celery, green onions, grapes, dill, mayo and yoghurt.

a combination of :
Summer Salad with bread, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, red onion and some herbs.


Devilishly spicy Buffalo Chicken Drumsticks

a combination of: 
 Roasted Tomato Soup served with Crostini


Hungry yet? ;p

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cerita Minggu Ini

Minggu ini ceritanya lumayan banyak, walaupun daku sempet sakit tepar in bed selama beberapa hari (masuk angin parah plus flu kayanya) tapi banyak juga kejadian lucu dan menyenangkan yang patut dikenang, halah!

Misalnya waktu me and hubby K pergi ke Carrefour.
Pas di carrefour lagi nyetel lagu Smash - You Know Me So Well. Yang ada kita berdua ketawa-ketawa sepanjang rak per-handuk-an menuju ke rak per-koper-an hahaha.. Trus kalo pas kita lewat diantara tumpukan koper yang disusun tinggi atau lewat diantara rak dan tiang apa gitu yang posisinya ketutupan dari mata pengunjung lain, kita joget-joget hahahah Nggak tau kenapa tuh, lagi nggak bener aja kayanya otaknya sore itu (maklum, baru makan ayam broiler KF* yang gede2 sebelum masuk Carrefour hehe >>> bukti kebanyakan makan ayam broiler bikin bodoh).

Trus waktu itu pas ogut lagi sakit eh kebetulan ada ponakan dateng ke rumah sama mamahnya. Si ponakan ini (ber-inisial W) udah kelas 6 SD dan emang dari kecil lumayan deket ma diriku. Trus dia ke kamar, pamer kalo dia baru abis dari Gramed dan baru beli buku seri terbaru nya "Why". Buku seri "Why" ini emang bagus buat anak-anak, isinya tentang belajar hal seperti tumbuhan, dinosaurus, dsb tapi versi komik. Pokoknya seri nya banyak deh. Si W ini emang koleksi buku-buku "Why", dan seri terbaru yang dia baru beli itu edisi Roket. Trus dia baca-baca di tempat tidur sambil nemenin diriku yang cuma bisa tertidur lemas karena lagi ga enak body. Lalu terjadilah pembicaraan ini:

W: "Eh..ada Yuri Gagarin. Yuri Gagarin itu kan astronot pertama di dunia, dia dari Rusia"
Trus eyke langsung otomatis memotong pembicaraan monolog nya si W:
Me: "Ih, salah! Yuri Gagarin itu astronot pertama di dunia YANG mendarat di bulan, gitu tepatnya."
W: "Yee...Yuri Gagarin itu emang astronot pertama di dunia. Yang mendarat di bulan pertama kali itu Neil Armstrong!"
Me: "Eh, iya yah? hehehe salah dong tante..."

Iiiihhhhhh tengsin berat gue, o'on banget deh, masa bisa lupa yg pertama kali ke bulan kan Neil Armstrong huaaaa... masa pengetahuan gue dibanding anak kelas 6 SD kalah, gimana mau ikut kuis "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?" ~ ^--^ (hmph).

By the way, belum lama ini hubby K masang foto ini di profile twitter nya:

Pemain bola namanya Chicharito kalo nggak salah (bener ga yang?). Berhubung ogut ga ngerti dan ga tertarik bola jadi tuh soal pergantian foto profile ga pernah dibahas. Sampai pada suatu malam sebelum tidur terjadilah pembicaraan berikut ini:

K: "Kamu udah liat belum foto profile aku di twitter?"
Me: "Iya udah, yang pemain bola kan? Ngapain sih dia kaya gitu? Lagi meler ya?"
K: "HAH? Kok lagi meler siih? itu pemain bola idola aku, tauk! Dia lagi nyium badge nya di baju pas menang nge-Gol-lin!"
Me: "Heh? Lah aku pikir dia lagi ngelap ingus."
^--^" (garuk-garuk)

Ah sudahlah, cukup dengan kebodohan...
Oiya, minggu ini kita lagi DVD marathon The Pacific. Setelah minggu lalu nya kita DVD marathon Pretty Little Liars (yang gabungan antara Desperate Housewives sama Gossip Girl - tapi nggak lebih bagus dari keduanya except untuk karakter si Spencer Hastings yang daku suka banget hehe - ini karakter cewek loh ;p). Anyway, The Pacific itu serial kelanjutannya Band of Brothers. Untungnya daku dan suami sama-sama suka nonton dan kebetulan juga sama-sama suka film perang jadi betah deh nonton serial tentang perang gitu, apalagi yang based on true story gitu. Nah The Pacific ini menurut ku lebih dokumenter banget dibanding Band of Brothers yang "hollywood" banget. The Pacific ini dibikin persiiss banget sama footage perang asli nya. Dan perang nya bikin tegang man! buset deh, gue berasa ikut perang saking tegangnya gara-gara takut ketembak (lebay).
So overall, The Pacific is a great series yang patut kamu tonton kalo emang suka film perang / action / history.

Oiya minggu ini juga ada berita besar: K dapet offer di company baru, lokasi lebih deket dari rumah, company nya itu salah satu big international company, dan yang pasti kerjanya jadi rutin 9 to 5 jadi ngga berantakan ala shift lagi kaya sekarang. Wah bakal perubahan besar nih kayanya.. nggak ada yang nganter-nganter gue jalan-jalan pas weekdays lagi huaaa... tapi gapapa lah asalkan jadi lebih baik dalam banyak hal lainnya. >>> You get some and then you lose some ;)
Yang pasti: Alhamdulillah.. terima kasih atas rizki mu ya Allah..

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Eve Organics Review

I have the opportunity to review a couple of mineral make up items from Eve Organics. They sent me their Natural Eyeliner and two of their Natural Lip Liners. Eve Organics is a pure mineral make up and organic skin care company that strive to provide their customers the finest in the organic and mineral beauty products. 
Their products are free of parabens, preservatives, chemicals, and bismuth oxychloride (this one is known to cause skin reactions, clog and enlarge pores). They also avoid the use of toxic ingredients in their products. They believe that only the finest ingredients nature gives us should be acceptable for the care and beautification of our skin.

Eve Organics have quite many range of products from mineral make up (foundations, powders, brushes, etc) to organic skin care (cleansers, moisturizers, etc). You can shop by those categories on their website or you can also shop by skin conditions category (oily, dry, combo, etc).

For this review, I was sent a Natural Eye Liner in Midnight Blue and two Natural Lip Liners in Sweet Merlot and Bronze Babe.
Both of the eyeliner and the lip liners are made from jojoba and natural waxes that create a creamy texture that stays on without smudging or bleeding. They also contain natural plant extracts and proprietary mineral blends.

Oh I always love natural make up because they are so light on your skin and yet have very gorgeous colors. And it really helps knowing that what you put on your skin are safe for you.

The Midnight Blue eyeliner is a deep blue color with a little of metallic shine in it which I love. It looks dark enough on your eyes and perfect for smokey eyes look or for the alternative for your black eye liner.
It really didn't smudge or bleeds at all when I used it, and the color is strong enough and last quite long. It's easy to grip when you use it and it's so easy to clean up too when I cleanse my make up at night with a cleanser. It costs $14.95 at their website and they have a few color options there.

As for their Natural Lip Liners I love both of the colors they sent me. They also have several other color options on their website with the same price of $14.95.
The left is the Bronze Babe and the right is Sweet Merlot. Sweet Merlot is more like a brownish deep red while Bronze Babe is well..bronze :) But surprisingly, both of them looks quite natural on the lips! I love wearing both of them, sweet merlot for day use while bronze babe for night parties/events. They don't bleeds at all and the color is strong but very blend-able. It holds up my lipstick for quite longer and they look great on their own (i just color my lips all over with the lip liner and smudge it evenly with lip brush).

Eve Organics price range is affordable and now that I reviewed them I can see that they are made of good quality. Check out their other products and their very informative FAQ's page on their website here.

  • They are currently offering FREE SHIPPING for orders over $75.
  • They have $1 sample packets should you need to sample some colors to choose which one is right for you (for example: in choosing foundation).
  • They are also offering a Monthly Free Sample where they send free item for you to try. Every month they have different item to send as free sample. Currently, due to high demand there's a small fee of $.50 cent to get the free sample.

Every quarter, Eve Organics will give 10% of it's net profits to a different charity to help support people or communities in need. They choose organizations that they believe will use the money directly for it's cause instead of to pay it's administrators. You can also nominate a charity for their quarterly donation, just email them and they will do the rest.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Week In Photos

I see other bloggers did this so here's my version of "A Week In Photos" :

 The Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee at Cafe Excelso which is said to be one of the best coffee in the world. 
Ini secangkir harganya IDR 30 ribuan, karena penasaran kaya apa sih enaknya kopi paling enak sedunia ini jadi bela2in keluar duit lebih. Emang dasarnya gue bukan penikmat kopi item jadi yaa .. nggak demen hahaha
I love coffee but not the pure black coffee, I like coffee with creams, milk, chocolates, you know.. the ones on Starbucks or Coffee Beans & Tea Leafs hehehe.. ;) But this Jamaican Blue Mountain has a strong delicious fragrant, i love the smell of the coffee so much! If you like black strong coffee then maybe you should try it.

 I took this photo while on the car in one of Jakarta's highway. I love this picturesque scene of one corner of Jakarta, on a second look this almost feels like it's not in Jakarta at all.

 Oh I remember how I love being in this place. I love the European feel of the buildings, i love the atmosphere in this area, I even imagine myself living there in one of the apartment buildings. Too bad this area is far from where I live right now so we don't get to see this view much often.

I took this photo while we were in a mall and there's a mini exhibition about big bikes there ;)
Hubby K being a motorcycle enthusiast stopped by here for a little while and I took some photos of the awesome bikes with my iPhone, and edited them with insta.gram (which by the way, if you also have insta.gram you can add me as friend there, my id is: yurikristia )

Have a great day!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Small Apartment Ideas: Hidden built-ins

Sorry for not blogging these couple of days, I was down with the flu plus an infection in my throat. Really shucks. So this is just a quick post so you won't feel abandoned haha..

Anyway, my hubby K emailed me this video which is about the smallest apartment room but the owner did a really great job with the built-in features. This is great for those itty bitty apartment :) maybe you can borrow some ideas too. I know hubs love hidden built-ins, and we both dreamed of making some hidden built-ins in our future pad too. And we are now looking for some ideas that we could use in our future pad.

Anyway, here's the video:

Ha, at first I was wondering where is the toilet? ;)
What do you think of the above apt?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mother's Day Gift Idea

(Pic source is via Pier1)
For my US readers May 8 is Mother's Day (!) so I thought I'd compile some ideas that would be lovely for a gift on Mother's Day ^___^
I compiled a few of gift options that range from under $10 to over $50. Hope I'd give you some ideas :)

Under $10 Gifts:


Both are from Pier1 Imports.
TOTAL: $7.99

Spring Butterfly Notepad - $3.71
To write down shopping list or write a note to the children.


Spring Butterfly Pocket Notebook - $4.12
Perfect to bring in your bag whenever you go so you'll always be ready with paper to write ideas or important notes while you're on the road.
Both are from Past Times 
TOTAL : $ 7.93

Art Deco Pens Set with contrasting black and silver design and jewel encrusted decoration. The set comes with 3 ballpoints and a container. 
Currently on Sale for $9.26 in Past Times

$10 - $30 gifts:

The Petite Folio has a handy five-pocket accordion folder for receipts, coupons, or mementos, and the attached notepad inside is perfect for keeping track of your purchases, thoughts, or grocery lists.

Poetica Essential Gift Set from Pier1 - $14.95
 This pretty pink and white striped round container includes a set of body wash, body butter, bar soap and hand & nail cream.

Redouté Photo Frame Stationery Set featuring an integral frame for photograph and comes with a hardback address book, a journal, a paperback memo pad, 2 HB pencils and a 5 x 4 aperture.
$11.58 from Past Times

$30 - $50 Gifts:
 I like gift hampers, it's almost personal and usually it's categorized to hobby, etc..
For moms who love to cook or bake:
This Gift Set includes two placemats and a Recipe Kit of your choice.

 Baking Bowl Gift Set from 1-800 Baskets - $49.99
Inside an 8" stoneware mixing bowl you'll find: a metal whisk, a CanterburyCarrot Cake Mix, Cobblestone Kitchens's Lemon Poppyseed Scone Mix, Davidson's English Breakfast Tea, Rock Candy Swizzle Sticks, Robert Rothschild®'s Wild Maine Blueberry Preserves plus a plaid cloth napkin and a wooden spoon.

Fruits & Sweet Basket from 1-800-Baskets - $39.99
Aboxful of delicious fruit and sweets with orchard-fresh green and red D’Anjou pear, a crisp Fuji apple, a fresh Granny Smith apple, 2 Frosted Mother’s Day Sugar Cookies, Yogurt-covered almonds, Pastel confectionary flowers, and assorted Ghirardelli chocolate squares.

Coffee Gift Basket from 1-800-Baskets - $49.99
For moms who loves coffee and can't pass a day without one! ;) This basket includes: decadent Godiva Chocolate Crème Coffee, Bellagio French Vanilla Caffe Mocha, Walkers Olde English Royal Toffee, Columbian Supreme Coffee, Butter Nut Crunch, and Snickerdoodle cookies plus a Swirl-handle Mug to drink her coffee on. It all arrives in a beautiful oval metal basket with festive brown and cream finish and is topped with a hand-tied pink Mother's Day bow.

Or if your mom is more of a Tea person than a Coffee drinker then there's a perfect tea hamper too :
 Butterfly Tea Time Gift Basket from Gourmet Gift Baskets - $49.99
 A charming collection of gourmet teas and cookies that includes: 6 bags each of Green Earl Grey and Pink Raspberry Teas by Too Good Gourmet with a unique Raspberry and Honey Teaspoon by Melville Candy Co and assortment of cookies like Blueberry and Honeybush Shortbread Cookies from  Biscottea, Raspberry Decadence Tea Cookies from The Famous Pacific Dessert Co, and Raspberry Filled Butter Cookies by Elsa's Story, all packaged inside a reusable Butterfly Tin Pail.

Or if your mom is the type who likes to indulge in self-pampering or if you think your mom needs a home spa treatment then these baskets could be a great idea:
 Rose Petal Spa Basket from Cherry Moon Farms - $39.99
It got all the right things for the right slef-indulge moment ;) This cute pink basket includes: a Rose scented Bath Fizzer, Rose scented Hand Cream, Soap Rose Petals, Rose scented Bubble Bath, White Body Sponge, Rose Scented Bath Salts, and Pink Bath Mitt, all in a pink keepsake metal pail.

 Crabtree & Evelyn Iris Hat Box from 1-800-Baskets -$49.99
In a sweet spring Iris hat box your mom would find Crabtree & Evelyn Iris Bath & Shower Gel, Body Lotion, Body Cream, and purple Exfoliating Gloves.

More than $50 Gifts :
Family Tree Photo Frame from Red Envelop $79.95
Every mother would love a family tree photo frame to be put in the living room for everyone to see! :)

This basket is full of guilt-free snacks, low in fat and calories, but full of delicious flavor. There are Raspberry honey mustard pretzel dip, honey wheat dipping pretzels, dried cranberries, Edamame & Goji berry snack mix, organic coconut bar, healthy trail mix, organic crackers, Feridies peanuts and no-sugar-added wild Maine blueberry jam. Yummo!

BV Century Cellars Duet Wine Gift Basket from - $59.99
A pair of Cabernet and Merlot from Beaulieu Vineyards accompanied with savory and sweet edibles, from Beef Sausage and Napa Valley Mustard, to Honey Roasted Peanuts, Caramel Popcorn, Cabernet Cheddar Cheese, Three Pepper Crackers, Ghirardelli Chocolate Squares, and Non-Pareils, all in a beautiful black box with red ribbon.

Or ..
if you're confused on what to give to your mom or if your mom is the type that already has it all, then maybe you can say your love with flowers ;)
A beautiful and alluring pink rose plant in a vintage looking white crackled ceramic planter that features a precious pink floral design to mirror the rose blooms. It comes with a pink ribbon box with a hand-knotted white freshwater pearl rope necklace inside.

 A gorgeous arrangement of light pink roses, alstroemeria, daisy poms, waxflower and variegated pittosporum, it comes with a pertty green floral patterned handled tote + a "Celebrating Mom" book.

Hope you'd get some idea from this post ^o^