
Tuesday, December 30, 2008



Waktu itu beli ini krn ada undangan pesta ultah Fia (ponakan gue) yg dresscode nya Hannah Montana (yg setelah gue riset pokonya yg penting ada bling2nya lah hihihi). So gue beli deh niy tanktop yg ada bling2nya, kebetulan dulu pas jaman masi aktip dugem (haha) gue emang pengen punya tanktop kek gini biar "tampil" gitu lohh kalo dugem malem2 hahaha... Akhirnya baru kesampaian skrg, pada saat gue udah pensiun dunia gelap malam huhuhu... ^o^

Pas lagi browsing trus nemu site kosmetik yg jualan merk2 impor yg jarang bgt disini. Kebetulan gue lagi nyari eyeshadow yg smoky eyes gitu, jadi yg warnanya gelap gitu, pengennya siy yg satu package hitam en dark silver gitu tapi rada susah nemunya krn pasti cepet sold out dimana2. Akhirnya ngeliat ini dan karena gw liat ada warna gelap sampe terang dalam satu paket dan kebetulan eyeshadow Maybelline gue yg warna coklat kayanya udah mau kadaluarsa (hehe) jadi akhirnya (walopun rada berat krn agak mahal) gue beli juga deh ni eyshadow. Sbnrnya warna gelap yg di paling kiri itu juga bukan warna hitam siy tapi cenderung biru gelap gitu cuma pas dipake hampir sama gelapnya lah hohoho bole jugaa.. ^__^

Lagi jalan2 skalian hunting baju buat toko trus nemu satu rak isinya kaos rajut Soda Girl warna basic semua. Gue dulu pernah beli cardigan rajut merk Soda Girl dan ternyata awet sampe sekarang dan mayan comfy dipakenya jadi apa salahnya gue beli kaos item rajut Soda Girl yg kebetulan lagi diskon ini, mayan buat ganti2 lah hehehe

Sekarang gue lagi pake lip balm dari CHAPSTICKS yang Classic (kaya yg dipake si Andrea Sachs di film The Devil Wears Prada ^o^) tapi sepertinya sudah mau habis dan lagi ternyata sunscreennya cuma SPF 4 jadi gue pengen cari lagi yg baru yg SPFnya lebih dari 4 hehe... Kebetulan pas gue abis beli eyeshadow Physicians Formula di atas gue dapet kabar dari site tsb bahwa ternyata gue salah satu pemenang undian yg kebetulan lg diadain di site tsb, wah lumayan dapet juara II, hadiahnya free JORDANA Cream Blush, tapi hadiah tsb akan dikirimin barengan pembelian berikutnya (bisa aja tuh admin sitenya, jdnya kan customer yg menang musti beli lagi kalo mau hadiahnya hehe). Tadinya siy gue ga mau redeem tu hadiahnya soalnya gw kurang suka warna Cream Blushnya, tapi pas lagi liat2 site kosmetik nya kebetulan ktemu Lip Balm ini, langsung aja gue order lagi (skalian redeem hadiahnya), dengan pertimbangan: merk Bath & body works masi jarang en rada susah nyarinya di Indo, blum widely available kaya bodyshop misalnya, trus pas bgt gue liat dia SPF15 pula! Dan ada flavour yg bikin gue penasaran: Milk&Cookies. Jadi aja gue beli ini buat gantiin ChapSticks gue kelak hehe..

Buat proyek rajut gue selanjutnya niy, beli yg warna putih 3 gulung, rencananya buat bikin baju (knit cotton blouse) atau buat shawl lebar gitu, trus kalo ada sisanya mau buat bikin taplak vintage gitu (yg ada di Buku "Merajut Untuk Pemula" yg gue beli). Kalo yg multi-colour blum tau mau dibuat apa, waktu itu belinya krn gue suka aja ama warnanya ^o^ (hmm..mungkin bisa untuk bikin babyshoes buat si Epot kmrn minta ^^)

Gw suka banget hunting barang2 vintage gitu, gue senang sensasi ngubek2 tumpukan baju dan akhirnya menemukan harta karun yg terpendam didalamnya. Dulu jaman kuliah gw ma anak2 sering bgt ke Cibadak buat hunting baju2 vintage. Disitu gue pernah nemu halter dress sexy warna ungu muda potongan mini yg bahannya nempel di badan gitu, pokonya baju pesta sexy gitu lah, keren bgt deh pokonya, harganya? SERIBU RUPIAH aja loh! hohoho... It was my best find ever! Trus sampe tuh pasar dipindahin dari Cibadak ke Tegalega pun masi gue jabanin juga, tapi krn lebih jauh jd agak jarang ksananya. Kalo disitu gue pernah nemu kaos kuning Hang Ten yg mayan keren, harganya cuma 5rb atau 10rb gitu yah?gue lupa.. Gue juga nemu tas sling-back kotak2 ala BURBERRY gitu yg berhasil gue bawa pulang dengan bandrol 20/25rb sajah (agak lupa gue harganya, pokonya duapuluhan lah ^^). Trus pas di Jakarta gue pernah juga tuh nemu dress pesta gitu, bahannya baguus deh dan model lehernya drapery gitu, warnanya hitam dan merknya Morgan De Toi (!!) Lumayan bgt kan bisa dapet baju ber-merk dengan harga cuma 45rb rupiah saja, its like buying on ebay hehe Anyway, kmaren2 ini gue juga nemu 2 buah dress vintage yg super keren, dua2nya harganya cuma 65rb, murah untuk ukuran kualitas yg gue dapet. Yang satu BOHEMIAN KNIT-DRESS ini; dress/tunik bahan rajut yg rajutannya dari benang katun gitu, pokonya super hippie bgt deh, mana warna-warni gitu, suka bgt gue ^____^ Mau gue pake nih buat taun baruan ntar ^___^

Temuan gue yg satu lagi adalah ini: CHEONG-SAM DRESS. Harganya 65rb juga, lumayan bgt buat dress dari bahan silk kaya gini, bisa buat dipake pesta neh. Dan gue udah lama juga pengen punya Cheong-Sam tapi yg pendek selutut kaya gini soalnya gue udah punya yg panjang semata-kaki, waktu itu oleh2 dari Melly waktu dia pulang dari Cina dulu. Bagus bgt kann...hehehe... Can't wait to wear it, sapa yg mo kawin dlm waktu dekat ini ya?gue pengen pake ini buat ke pestanya hihihi... ^^

Saturday, December 20, 2008



Kalo kmaren gue ada FNM ma temen2 eks kantor lama, nah hari ini gue ada Girl's Day Out ma temen2 kuls di Bandung dulu.
Inti tema-nya siy "all girls", hang out seharian dari pagi (menjelang siang) ampe malem, tapi berhubung gue punya another duty alias "kunjungan rutin tiap minggu ke rumah mertua" jadi gue baru start sore-nya.

Sblmnya Martha, Della, Chika en Gita udah ngumpul duluan nge-bakso trus lanjut nonton bareng di Subtitles, Dharmawangsa Square. Nah gue nyusul pas barengan mereka kelar nonton, pas gw nyampe Dharmawangsa ternyata mereka lg pada blanja bulanan di supermarket (dasar..! tetep sempet blanja bulanan hihihi), trus abis itu kita ngopi2 dulu di salah satu cafe di situ (gw ampe ga merhatiin nama kafenya apa gara2 sibuk rumpi hehehe).

Slese ngupi2 trus kita lanjut karaoke di Happy Puppy di daerah Fatmawati. Seperti biasa, heboh nyanyi2 ampe ga berasa laper pdhal blom makan malem ^o^. Karaoke dua jam, slese bayar kita ngambil es krim trus gue misah disitu krn mau dijemput disitu sementara yg laen masi lanjut cari makan.

Sembari ngelewatin tukang majalah gue brenti, lihat2 bentar trus ngeliat majalah Perkawinan yg dapet bonus Booklet Kebaya. Agak mahal siy harganya tapi berhubung adek ipar gue mau nikah (dan krn gue pikir gw juga pasti bakal butuh booklet kebaya-nya) jadi gue beli aja deh tuh majalah buat adek ipar gue (dengan maksud nanti booklet kebayanya bisa gue pinjem hehe). Ternyata gw ga salah beli, kebayanya bagus2 bgt, mayan lah buat inspirasi jahit di mbak Lasmi hehehe

Well, walopun ga smuanya bisa ikut "Girl's Day Out" hari ini, i still had fun today ^___^
Actually, I had a great time these past two days, with all my girls!
Friends Forever...

Friday, December 19, 2008

FNM !!

Hari ini hari Jumat.
Gue ada janji FNM alias Friday Night Meeting ma eks temen2 kantor.
Kebiasaan dari jaman dulu masi kerja di kantor yg sama, kita suka jalan bareng kalo usai kerja hari jumat, makanya namanya FNM, ga tau sapa yg ciptain tu istilah duluan, si Medi kalo ga salah...

Tadi tuh gue berkutat dengan macet ampun2an di jalanan Jakarta demi mengejar FNM di Plaza Semanggi. Walhasil gue dateng paling telat krn dari rumah gue ke Jakarta pusat tuh berasanya tambah jauuh bgt krn kemacetan sore hari. Kali ini FNM dalam rangka salah satu dari kami yg masih tersisa di kantor tsb akan resign so that friday is actually her last friday at the office. FNM kali ini gunanya untuk merayakan "kelulusan" si Ika yg finally cabut juga dr kantor itu hehehe...

Si Ika traktir Pizza trus kita nge-gosip (spt biasa..) dan ngalor ngidul tukeran kabar. Si Cinik ketawa paling keras (spt biasa..) sampe smua orang yg lg jalan di luar Pizza Hut gw rasa juga denger hehehe.. Puas ngomongin kantor lama en foto2 (plus kenyang pula) trus kita memisahkan diri krn Plaza Semanggi udah mau tutup. Wah berarti tinggal si Didi niy yg blom lulus, Cia Yo Didi...!! ^___^

Friday, December 12, 2008

CROCHETING - a stay-at-home-wife's favourite past time

What Can I Say??
Being a stay-at-home wife IS REALLY FUN & ENJOYING ^___^

I used to work as Customer Service for several years before I got married (and then I got sick and has to be hospitalized for several weeks, then the doctor says that all those stress have made my old lungs problem surfaced again so she recommended me to stay away from stress, that's why all my family wanted me to quit my job and to find another job...but then my husband wanted me to stay at home because he was so worried about my condition at that time and he said that he should do all the working and i should do all the shopping instead ^___^ YES, I KNOW... I HAVE THE LOVELIEST HUSBAND in the whole world ^___^ )

My friends say that they couldn't imagine what they would do if they don't work, they say "aren't you bored staying at home everyday?" or "if i were you, i would be confused all day because of doing nothing".
What?Helloow...what are you thinking?that is like the ultimate dream hehehe
I really don't understand why they think like that because in my understanding: when you're not working then you have all the free time to do anything you like. It's a privilege for me to be able to have that choice because i know not many women can choose to not go to work. If they just found a courage in themselves to leave the job that has been sucking all their time and mind and then start switching to reach their dream job then they wouldn't be complaining. I'm so glad i took THAT chance and now i'm much much more happier than before.
I remember one of my "stay-at-home-wife" friend jokes: "maybe they probably just jealous of what they cannot have (free time). Deep down inside i bet they all wanna be like us, you know..let the husband do the work" ^o^
Well, bless the woman who have a rich husband but i don't have that (^o^) therefore i work the comfort of my bedroom ^^

I never regret of quitting my job, I proof that money could be gained in many ways. I quit my job and opened an online store, doing and working in a field that I actually loved! I got to do the job that i always dreamt of (working from home and making money the non-stress way, not to mention my job is my favourite activity -i.e shopping) i am also stress-free (hopefully my lungs problem won't come back), have all the time i want for myself and my family, and this kind of job will surely paid off when i had children (to always be with them and taking care of them myself).

How many of us thinking we're stucked at the wrong job? Well, I got my dream job now! I always thought i'm such a lucky bastard! ^o^

Back to being a stay-at-home wife, to be bored is an impossible thing (at least for me) because you will have time to do what-you-always-wanna-do-but-never-had-the-time-before. Things like: finishing all those books that you bought but never had the time to read it (and then going to the book store on Friday afternoon to buy some more if you have finished reading all of them), Going to the mall on workdays where it's not too crowded like in the weekends, Surfing the internet all day (I Loovee surfing the internet and learning anything i want to know so i hate it if they block your internet connection at the office), Being with your children all the time (if you have any), Going out every day you want to (if you dont have any child yet), Learning things that you always don't have time to; such as learning how to cook, learning how to do yoga correctly, or learning how to CROCHET (like me ^o^).

I always wanted to learn how to crochet.
Making clothes or accessories of my own, channeling those creativities in my head, and one of my life-goal is to learn at least one unique skill. I thought of learning at least one musical instrument but then it's probably hard to learn musical instrument when you're this old (^o^) so I laid my eyes on other skill, which is "Crocheting" (and after this, maybe "knitting").

At first i thought it'd be hard to learn but then i thought maybe it's not as complicated as it looks like and afterall, i had a lot of free time to learn it if it's difficult. So i went to the store in a sunny wednesday and bought a crochet hook and a pink yarn.
Then i went home, googling "how to crochet", printed some notes, watching youtube videos and....there you go....2 days later, already i could made this flower patch and a simple chain bracelet:

Well, since this are my first trial so pardon my messy knit here and there ^o^

My next project is to make a shawl, but apparently i'm out of yarns so i had to go back to the store one monday noon to buy another pink yarn (yes, its much more exciting than to sit behind an office desk on monday doing some weekends left-over works.....i'm so glad to be finally free from all of that BORING & STRESSING tasks ^^), i also made some extra time to go to the book store to buy a book on how to crochet for beginners (and some discounted import magazine).

So here is my new pink scarf or neck warmer which i learned how to made it just by watching youtube videos. i told you before, you can learn almost anything you want to learn from the internet!

My next project is to make a frilly bandana and a cute little top.
I already had the patterns but i don't have the yarns yet. I ordered some colourful yarns from an online store and i am waiting for my orders to come. Can't wait to do my projects. I love crocheting, it take your mind off things and it really kills time.
After i'm bored with crocheting (since sometimes i do get bored easily) I want to learn how to Knit. What's the difference, you asked. Well, Crocheting is using one small hook, while Knitting is using two long knitting needles. I think the results are a bit different from one another too. I'll learn more about that after I finished all my crocheting projects ^__^